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How do I delete the user config / layout? Driving me crazy!!

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I'm using Linux mint 18.1(?) and Kdenlive 16.12(?)

I pushed a few wrong buttons and it closed the project monitor. I finally figured out how to put that back in the window.

Now the tracks are tiny, and I've tried to adjust that by pressing the button, which made them a little bigger, but still not usable.

Worst is that when I try to speed up a video it does not show me what effect I can change, it only says that there's (suddenly) "already an effect added to that clip." Even when I tried to start a fresh project w/ fresh clip-it does the same thing!

Attempted Fixes:

I've deleted Kdenlive several times and reinstalled, tried to wipe the config file, even from terminal window... Nope...

Tried uninstalling by clicking uninstall program.

tried the "purge" command listed under the download commands on Kdenlive website--surprise; it says command not recognized, or some such B.S.

Tried to reset to default through the kdenlive gui itself... this only made the tracks tiny...

tried everything I found through google and on forums.

Tried to delete every file I could find with "kdenlive" attached to it. it only told me "permission denied."
I logged in as superuser/in terminal as super user... Nothing... -either says permission denied or file not found...

This is driving me insane. I've been trying other editors, and looking at tons of forum posts which have not solved my problem. I've wasted 2 solid days trying to fix this and I think the only option left is to wipe the O.S.

I'm surprised that with as many peoples posts as I have read about this that it has not been posted in the FAQ's and a real, effective, simple solution programmed into this d### thing! (Granted adobes premiere pro and photoshop have the same d### issue!)

BTW: Not sure if this is in the correct area, if not, feel free to move it.
Registered Member
1. Installing or removing Linux packages in /usr never touches any configuration files in your /home directory, so please do not try to solve problems in a way you need to do in Windows.

2. kdenlive stores its UI configuration in ~/.config/kdenliverc and additional information in folder .local/share/kdenlive/

3. If you could not solve your issues by deleting the UI configuration, please ask for help in the kdenlive forum at viewforum.php?f=262
Registered Member
Ive tried those commands, that is: searching for those folders, Ive tried showing hidden files, and I havent even been able to find those files.

I do appreciate your input. So are you saying that I should post in the "general" section? Is there a specific thread?
Registered Member
So, I see an XML document. It wont let me post a picture here for some reason.

Under: /usr/share/config.kcfg
File name: kdenlivesettings.kcfg

This file/document hasn't been edited since feb 5th. and I messed up Kdenlive on the 14th(?). So I suspect that this is not the file I need to find. But, again; I can not find any file listed under the previously suggested folders/names.

I found another file.


Filename: kdenlive-data.conffiles

It's a plain text doc, and again it shows a date modified of feb 5th. And I messed up kdenlive on feb 14th(?)
Registered Member
Holy S### I think I did it!!!

I deleted the file: /usr/share/config.kcfg
under File name: kdenlivesettings.kcfg

I think that is the one that did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time for a happy dance! Anyone got an emoji for that?!?! :P


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