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Enable/disable autolock of ScreenSaver from command line

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I'm using my laptop in company for work and there I need to have enabled autolock of ScreenSaver. But at my home I don't need autolock. I would like to write script which enable/disable autolock of ScreenSaver when I'm on home WIFI. Can I ask you which command I should use to reconfigure autolock?

Thank you in advance! :]

Last edited by waldauf on Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Login manager:

Code: Select all
$ loginctl --help
loginctl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND} ...

Send control commands to or query the login manager.

  -h --help                Show this help
     --version             Show package version
     --no-pager            Do not pipe output into a pager
     --no-legend           Do not show the headers and footers
     --no-ask-password     Don't prompt for password
  -H --host=[USER@]HOST    Operate on remote host
  -M --machine=CONTAINER   Operate on local container
  -p --property=NAME       Show only properties by this name
  -a --all                 Show all properties, including empty ones
     --value               When showing properties, only print the value
  -l --full                Do not ellipsize output
     --kill-who=WHO        Who to send signal to
  -s --signal=SIGNAL       Which signal to send
  -n --lines=INTEGER       Number of journal entries to show
  -o --output=STRING       Change journal output mode (short, short-precise,
                             short-iso, short-iso-precise, short-full,
                             short-monotonic, short-unix, verbose, export,
                             json, json-pretty, json-sse, cat)
Session Commands:
  list-sessions            List sessions
  session-status [ID...]   Show session status
  show-session [ID...]     Show properties of sessions or the manager
  activate [ID]            Activate a session
  lock-session [ID...]     Screen lock one or more sessions
  unlock-session [ID...]   Screen unlock one or more sessions
  lock-sessions            Screen lock all current sessions
  unlock-sessions          Screen unlock all current sessions
  terminate-session ID...  Terminate one or more sessions
  kill-session ID...       Send signal to processes of a session

User Commands:
  list-users               List users
  user-status [USER...]    Show user status
  show-user [USER...]      Show properties of users or the manager
  enable-linger [USER...]  Enable linger state of one or more users
  disable-linger [USER...] Disable linger state of one or more users
  terminate-user USER...   Terminate all sessions of one or more users
  kill-user USER...        Send signal to processes of a user

Seat Commands:
  list-seats               List seats
  seat-status [NAME...]    Show seat status
  show-seat [NAME...]      Show properties of seats or the manager
  attach NAME DEVICE...    Attach one or more devices to a seat
  flush-devices            Flush all device associations
  terminate-seat NAME...   Terminate all sessions on one or more seats

Earlier: Lock screen programatically - viewtopic.php?f=67&t=128548
Registered Member
Rog131 wrote:Login manager:

Code: Select all
$ loginctl --help

Earlier: Lock screen programatically - viewtopic.php?f=67&t=128548

Thank you Rog131. I checked loginfs and looks like good tool and I remember it. But it doesn't help me with disabling/enablink autolock.


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