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Unable to change desktop and lock screen wallpapers

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(Disclaimer: I'm a native spanish speaker and I feel my english is not good enough, so please excuse me for my poor grammar. And because that, I'm using KDE in spanish - I don't know how are KDE things labelled in english, hence I'm putting those names between double quotes: those are my guesses).

So the title says all. I noticed this since 5.12. I googled around a bit and couldn't find some sort of bug report or someone asking for the same. And because I was too busy/too lazy to ask for help around here, I forgot the thing. Until I updated to 5.13 and noticed I still can't change desktop's wallpaper.

Right click on the desktop. Select "Desktop settings". On "Desktop background" tab, click the "Desktop background type" select widget. It has 0 options to choose from. Can't change desktop wallpaper from here.

Even I can't change from "Desktop" to "Folder view" layout - If I do that, nothing happens no matter how many times I click the "Apply" buttons - excepting "Mouse actions" and "Microadjustments" tabs go unclickable.

Still I can set another image as desktop wallpaper by dragging an image file from Dolphin and releasing it on the desktop. I do not know if there's a similar workraround for setting a image as the lock screen wallpaper.

The wallpaper thing is happening with the lock screen wallpaper. On "Settings", the "Desktop background type" select widget shows no options. I just clicked "Show multimedia controls" and then "Apply", and the image background I had on here is gone. Now it's just a solid black background.

FTR, I'm using Frameworks 5.48 (updated today) and Plasma 5.13.

I still can't find some sort of bug report or something similar - just this, and the poor guy had no help. So I don't think this is about a bug but maybe something I did wrong at one time or something my system is lacking now. But I can't figure out what it could be. Hope you guys can point to the right direction.
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General Troubleshooting - Examine if the problem is local: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=38828

1) Make a new user
2) Log in as the new user

Does the new user have the same problem ?
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Thank you so much,

I had forgotten about the troubleshooting guide :P Sorry.

I just created a new user. But from there I still couldn't pick a wallpaper - nor for desktop, nor for lock screen.

Still, the troubleshooting guide made me think about running "System settings" from a terminal and see if the output would say something. And it did:

Code: Select all
org.kde.kcoreaddons: Error loading plugin "kcm_workspace" "The shared library was not found."
Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins", "/usr/bin")
The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set

So I tried locating kcm_workspace:

Code: Select all
locate kcm_workspace

Now I don't know if this is the "kcm_workspace" systemsettings needs, but it is indeed under /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins. Still, I tried by looking if the system's package manager (Portage) had some package about kcm_workspace, but it didn't. KCoreaddonss and kcmutils are already installed with 5.48.0 version...
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Update: After updating the 'locate' database, I found out there was a under /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/kcms/. Did a symlink in /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/, but it was no use - Despite I no longer get the "Error loading plugin "kcm_workspace" "The shared library was not found."", the wallpaper selection widget still doesn't show up and the "Desktop background type" select widget is still empty.

I ran 'kcmshell5 screenlocker' just to see if there was something in there that systemsettings output won't had. But on both cases there were a few lines that seem suspicious:

Code: Select all
qrc:/kscreenlocker-kcm-resources/wallpaperconfig.qml:50:5: QML StackView: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/kscreenlocker-kcm-resources/lnfconfig.qml:50:5: QML StackView: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/kscreenlocker-kcm-resources/wallpaperconfig.qml:35: TypeError: Cannot read property 'saveConfig' of null

Maybe it's because of that?


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