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KDM Mouse Sensitivity

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KDM Mouse Sensitivity

Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:08 pm
I currently use Fedora 27 with KDE (I think this is KDE 4). Once inside plasma I have a mouse which I have to adjust sensitivity to via:
Code: Select all
xinput --set-prop 10 "libinput Accel Speed" -0.7

It turns out that "~/.xinputrc" is not honored despite having the script files in "/etc/X11/" designed for this purpose (not a KDE bug), but "/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/" does honor this if I put in that line as file named "". So for plasma and the actual logged in session I am all set.

Unfortunately, this only helps once the desktop session is launched. This is a gaming mouse and currently running at the lower end of its resolution, 3600dpi. So in the KDM login screen, prior to any session, the mouse is wildly over-sensitive (approximately 10:1 too fast). Since KDM is also an X application, and since it should honor xinput commands, I am wondering how/where to edit something to get the KDM login screen to honor that same xinput command?

I have tried several edits within "/etc/X11/", along with edits in "/etc/kde/kdm/" (I've tried adding a file for sourcing there, and it looks like the "/etc/X11/" content would have sourced this but there is no indication of xinput changes). I have also made sure that files were readable and executable, and even made sure that SElinux labels were updated. Basically it seems there is no interface to KDM for input device settings. It is as if KDM was hard coded for all mice being approximately 300 dpi. Is KDM hard coded for mouse sensitivity? Does KDM have any sort of init file which is actually honored? Is there a way to enable a log for KDM greeter since "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" does not say anything about KDM?


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