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Verdana font problem

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Verdana font problem

Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:46 pm
I have always used Verdana as my font i KDE. This has not been a problem on previous KDE version.
The problem is KDE wont obey when I set the fonts in systemsettings. Bold Verdana does not want to apply. instead it is another font where Verdana Bold should be. I don't like antialiasing on smaller font so the wrong font that are set looks bad. Here are an example on how it looks:


Here are my font settings:

The only way i found to solve this problem is to disable all fonts (fonts that are possible to disable) besides Verdana, but I don't like that solution.

Is there a better way than disable all other fonts?
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Re: Verdana font problem

Tue Nov 06, 2018 9:49 pm
If I set Verdana bold as standard font ("Allmänt:" in my posted picture) , bold Verdana looks right. I think this is a bug. I think maybe a fall back font is used incorrectly. Just a guess.
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Re: Verdana font problem

Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:37 pm
Tried everything. Guess i have to live with these modern fuzzy fonts.
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Re: Verdana font problem

Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:26 pm
.. or switch to using another font which doesn't have that problem; there are plenty of other fonts available in the repos, or on various web sites.

Though I can't argue that Verdana isn't a really nice font, having used it quite a bit myself. I am just as surprised as you are to see that bad of rendering with Verdana+Bold+Anti-Aliasing Off.
Would turning on Anti-Aliasing for small fonts and setting the hinting to Off or Slight (to reduce the "fuzziness") be an acceptable alternative?

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
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Re: Verdana font problem

Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:58 pm
airdrik wrote:.. or switch to using another font which doesn't have that problem; there are plenty of other fonts available in the repos, or on various web sites.

Though I can't argue that Verdana isn't a really nice font, having used it quite a bit myself. I am just as surprised as you are to see that bad of rendering with Verdana+Bold+Anti-Aliasing Off.
Would turning on Anti-Aliasing for small fonts and setting the hinting to Off or Slight (to reduce the "fuzziness") be an acceptable alternative?

My eyes have a hard time focusing when Anti-Aliasing is on. I have always had that problem. Tried both hinting off and slight, but it is not helping. Using Verdana is not perfect when it comes to webpages as Verdana miss some symbols, like arrows (or the web browser don't understand what symbols to use).

I would appreciate very much if you (or anyone else) have a suggestion on a font that is as good as Verdana with Anti-Aliasing off (and look similar to Verdana).
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Re: Verdana font problem

Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:25 pm
I understand what you mean, having a similar problem due to astigmatism. If there's any fuzziness to the font, my eyes have a hard time with it.

The effect of anti-aliasing on a font also kind of depends on the font itself as to how well it renders with and without anti-aliasing. I just tried a number of sans-serif fonts I have installed, and most of them rendered very poorly without anti-aliasing, but look very crisp and tidy with the default anti-aliasing settings.
I've seen that the system font configs also play a significant role in how well the fonts are rendered, which there have been a few posts in these forums about not too long ago. If you have a new enough system, the default rendering settings should be pretty good.

As far as suggesting alternatives to Verdana, it kind of depends on what about Verdana that you like. Is it just how it renders without anti-aliasing? Is it just that it's a sans-serif font? Are there specific nuances that you like about it?
A few fonts that I tried which seem to have ok rendering without anti-aliasing included Liberation Sans, Nimbus Sans, Oxygen-Sans and Bitstream Vera Sans (which you may need to install separately from the ttf-bitstream-vera package).

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
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Re: Verdana font problem

Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:50 pm
airdrik wrote:I understand what you mean, having a similar problem due to astigmatism. If there's any fuzziness to the font, my eyes have a hard time with it.

The effect of anti-aliasing on a font also kind of depends on the font itself as to how well it renders with and without anti-aliasing. I just tried a number of sans-serif fonts I have installed, and most of them rendered very poorly without anti-aliasing, but look very crisp and tidy with the default anti-aliasing settings.
I've seen that the system font configs also play a significant role in how well the fonts are rendered, which there have been a few posts in these forums about not too long ago. If you have a new enough system, the default rendering settings should be pretty good.

As far as suggesting alternatives to Verdana, it kind of depends on what about Verdana that you like. Is it just how it renders without anti-aliasing? Is it just that it's a sans-serif font? Are there specific nuances that you like about it?
A few fonts that I tried which seem to have ok rendering without anti-aliasing included Liberation Sans, Nimbus Sans, Oxygen-Sans and Bitstream Vera Sans (which you may need to install separately from the ttf-bitstream-vera package).

I think I like Verdana only because I have been using it for so long time. Its hard to make changes the older you get :P I will try the suggestions on fonts you made. Thanx for that!

I wonder one thing. If I set Verdana on all settings, should it not set Verdana on all places i KDE (not talking about external programs as Firefox etc.)? If it is so,is this a bug and should I make a bug report? I also wonder if there is a config file i could edit, to force Verdana on those places Verdana is not set?
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Re: Verdana font problem

Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:22 pm
Could you please check if removing trailing ",Regular" or ",Normal" from font lines in ~/.config/kdeglobals helps? See also
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Re: Verdana font problem

Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:04 pm
kde-cfeck wrote:Could you please check if removing trailing ",Regular" or ",Normal" from font lines in ~/.config/kdeglobals helps? See also

Thank you very much!!!
This fix the problem at least with QT apps.

Is there a config-file for gtk2 and gtk3 apps that would do the same trick, or is this handled differently?


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