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Kick-off & applications-column/tab wide & height

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Hello KDE-fans,

I'm using Kubuntu 18.04.2 and recognize a bounce of differences to 14.04 e.g. Kick-off wide an height.
By 14.04 was "necessary" only one time to resize it with "left-mouse-button" and it hold it dimensions forever, by 18.04 we can change the dimension with "ALT+right-mouse-button" but, by restart or re-login kick-off re-pristine the original dimensions.
This can be, ofcourse, remediate by calculate dimension through "rule of proportion" and insert it in:

Code: Select all
# This section has a reference to Height
Item {
    id: root
    Layout.minimumWidth: units.gridUnit * 26
    Layout.minimumHeight: units.gridUnit * 34

and modified e.g. for 4K-monitor as follow...
Code: Select all
Item {
    id: root
    Layout.minimumWidth: units.gridUnit * 26
    Layout.minimumHeight: units.gridUnit * 50

Now, this will also return to original values by update system e.g. graphic-drivers, and that is for me a mess.

Another issue are columns/tabs in other applications.
I can understand that applications like "synaptic", "gimp" etc. are GTK-application hence not so properly controllable like KDE-ones, but...
while "kate", "systemsettings5", "dolphin", etc. hold the the adjusted wide of columns, other applications like "kinfocenter" do it not.

Can someone tell me if I make something wrong with, or is a remedy for it?

Thanks in advance and best regards.


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