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Suggestions for heavy keyboard layout user?

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Hi, I'm coming from GNOME (and other OS'es/DE's), and I'm a little underwhelmed with the keyboard layout switching options in Plasma. My main issues are:

- I can only switch among 4 layouts without assigning additional shortcuts.
- The "alternative shortcut" only works in one direction. I can only Meta-Space to go forward, but I cannot switch backwards. Also, only the language I have just switched to is shown, rather than overview of them. Such an overview would let me remember what order I've put them in and how many times I have to press space.

I have searched the web, but most people suggest to basically not use so many layouts. But I want to. It's a lot faster to type Norwegian and Slovenian, for instance, when I don't have to worry about hitting my Compose key (Scroll Lock, quite out of the way and hard to do by touch) in order to type language-specific letters.

Right now, I'm just dealing. I already have a fifth layout I never use, and I just use US-International to approximate it because it's too annoying to map another shortcut to get to it.

I heard this might get better with Wayland? That it's an limitation?


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