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Different Wallpaper for each Workspace, eclually logical???

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I just recently switched from a Lxde-Compiz Environment to the KDE-Plasma-Wayland-Planet, but of wayland.
Still I am tweaking and learning. I like already some feature of KDE,
e.g. the Systemsettings and maybe–since I understand them–the activities (still a dark region).
But what I am missing and what is hard for me to understand ... is ...
that it is so difficult to find out how to have a unique Wallpaper on
each Workspace. I like to use quite some different workspaces with
different task-topics for a smooth workflow and the therefor required
good Overview between many open applications.
So I found it in Compiz usefull to have multiple switching-options like:

1. Different Wallpaper, but if using the 3D cube, cylinder or sphere, the deskotp-grid or ...
it is for the sake of a good, smooth and relaxed overview essential to have a unique Wallpaper-Set (if multipe Monitors) on each workspace.
Otherwise, many work spaces create more likely pain in the eyes and rather en crease the chaos, as reduce it.
2. The floating cube (sphere) and the open windows hovering above the desktops.
I found this »hover« option also in Kde, but if are several windows open the stick all together on one layer.
So one can't distinguish them. But exactly, when one can't remember where a certain
application is open, the floating cube is the appropriate feature to search for it. In Compiz all windows arranged
with some distance. So one can look from up into the stack, where the searched window is exactly located.
3. Edge bottoms, short-keys etc.

Maybe with the activities it chances the hole possibilities to organize ones digital world and I need a different approach to design my workflow (many task-topics side by side).
But until now I haven't found the right settings to have a unique wallpaper on each Desktop, if there is
one in Plasma 5 (in 4 I saw the possibility in one tutorial).

Anyway even if there is a way, it is for me hard to understand, that it is so difficult to find it.
I think it is quite logical to make the different work spaces obvious distinguished visible by having a unique Wallpaper on each (if dual monitors–as me– even to different, matching through color, theme, topic, categorize etc.

This post shall be ether a trigger to chat about smooth workflow-oranisation-methods in KDE as well
you are welcome to help me out with a smart solution of me problem.

warm wishes



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