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Window Rules for Activity

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Window Rules for Activity

Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:40 am
Hello everybody! KDE lover here ;) I need some help for setting my workspace so I thought I could use some help from the experts ;D
Is there a way to use a shortcut to a window (through Window Management -> Window Rules?) so that a certain shortcut (e.g. Meta + 0) takes me to the window of an application (e.g. Konsole) in the current activity? At the moment I have this shortcut configured but if I press Meta + 0 it will take me to the window of Konsole for which the rule was created, while the desired behavior is that it will take me to the Konsole window of the current activity.
(This is a "focus" shortcut configured through More Actions -> Special Application Settings -> A&A, not a Launch shortcut for Konsole).
I am using KDE Plasma 5.14 although I have another machine with v 5.22 and I know this behavior is the same.
I hope at least you can understand my question, since it is rather hard to explain ...
Thanks in advance guys, appreciate all the love and work everybody puts into this awesome DE
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Re: Window Rules for Activity  Topic is solved

Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:34 pm
Nevermind, I found out I was using my shortcuts in a manner completely orthogonal to how they are supposed to be used...
The expected behavior is obtained if one uses the shortcuts for Activity for Task Manager Entry #
If I could delete this post I would, since it is irrelevant.


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