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Mac behavior, kwin scripts interfere.

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Mac behavior, kwin scripts interfere.

Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:00 am
I have played with my girlfriend's mac and I would like to replicate its maximized window/titlebar/topbar interactions but kwin scripts do not want to work with each other.

"maximized to new workspace" does not work with "hide top bar when maximized.

Overall, I would achieve this behavior. When window is maximized:
- Window is put to a new workspace.
- The titlebar is hidden.
- The top bar is hidden hidden.

- When you mouseover for the top bar to appear, the window gains titlebar and dodges the top bar.
- When you move the cursor away from the top bar it disappears along with the titlebar.

What would be the best way to get this? Is it possible?

Also, I would like to have touch screen gestures working when in full screen.


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