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A way to hide the text below the desktop icons in Plasma

Tags: desktop, icons, desktop icons desktop, icons, desktop icons desktop, icons, desktop icons
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A customization question re Plasma 5, if I may. Just think it would be pretty cool to have a clean desktop interface with icons and no text under them. Obviously I don't want to have to manually rename every existing icon plus new ones with spaces, wondering if there's a way to tweak that in a more hidey-instead-of-renamey, hassle-free manner.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Update: Figured it out thanks to this topic!

There's a text file that needs to be modified, located at

It requires root to be modified and you might want to do it with Kate (Kate will kindly ask for password as opposed to stonewalling the edit). It contains the following two lines of code:
Code: Select all
                        if ((frameLoader.textShadow && frameLoader.textShadow.visible) || fallbackRectangleBackground.visible) {
                            return "#fff";
Change #fff to #00000000, then reboot or simply log out and back in, and the icon text will be invisible. It might have some other color instead of #fff so look for it using the first line.


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