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Accent color does not apply to KRunner, Panels, desktop, etc

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I'm having an odd problem on one of my machines with Plasma. I'm curious if this is known behavior before I submit an actual bug report, and if there is any workaround.

I've been using plasma for a long while, and I'm currently on 5.24 using Arch. On most of my machines, the new accent color feature seems to work as described. However, on this one, it seems to only be applied sparingly. I'm using the Breeze dark theme. Let's say I've picked the green accent color as shown below:


So far, so good. Let's look at dolphin:



How about KRunner?

Uh oh, still blue.

And my panel / task manager / switcher?

All blue. Interestingly, the "Menu" widget still shows up in blue with blue highlighting, but the context menus generated when right-clicking a taskbar entry have green highlights.

Desktop icons?

Green selection box, blue selections.

Overall, about 2/3rds of the system did not pick up the new accent color at all, and nothing I do seems to be able to bring about that effect. This has been the case since accent colors were introduced in 5.23. Any ideas? I'm open to trying anything short of a clean reinstall to resolve this.


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