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KDE woes

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KDE woes

Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:38 pm

I recently upgraded to Kubuntu 22.04., getting a new version of KDE/Plasma. I have a few questions/complaints.

First about the Task manager. Long, long ago (I forgot the KDE version) I was used to a certain tab behavior. I chose to sort the tabs manually. And then the tabs stayed like I chose them. Even between restarts. In a certain KDE version that changed. I could sort the tabs manually, but this was only until restart. After a restart the tabs were (still are actually) in a random order. I'd like a checkbox saying that one wants tabs to stay put even between restarts. I mean, how hard would that be. I don't want having to sort them (manually or otherwise) every time I log in.

Then... there used to be a widget where one could select a keyboard layout. It enabled changing the layout with one click, in case there were just two choices. Now one has to click twice: once for opening the menu and a second time for selecting the item. I want to have a one-click back.

Then... I want the menus the way they were. I don't want KDE changing into Gnome. KDE used to be "everything right where one needs it". Now it's slowly migrating to Gnome: "everything nice (like a Mac) but unusable; nothing's where one needs it - one has to click 10000 times in order to modify one little thing".

You seem to sacrifice usability for style. That's never a good idea. It ends with the most beautiful wallpaper and nonfunctional... everything else.

Take care.
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Re: KDE woes

Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:55 pm
I agree to a point that kde seems infected by a gnome virus but it has nothing to do with what your issues are. Task manager. I seem to change the task manager to my liking and it stays that way, reboot or not. Keyboard widget. Yes, it's two clicks. Menu. Why not try somethin else? There are about 20 available.

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.
Registered Member

Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:29 am
OK. Then tell me, please, how to set it up. My situation: I like to have the Task manager at the bottom of the screen. Then, before I shut down the computer I tend to shut down all the programs except System Monitor, Konsole and Dolphin. The tabs are in the same order, from left to right: System Monitor, Konsole, Dolphin. When I start it up again, the tabs appear (hurray!) but the order is, how should I put it, indeterministic with regard to order. Funny though, it never is what I like it to be: the same as I left it. Again, please, how do I set it up to have it what I'd like it to be?

Keyboard widget. Would it really be so hard to enable that little thing I mentioned? When there are only two options, I'd like to change from one to the other with one click. One. Not two, not three. One. I'd be prepared to sacrifice the nice blue text for the flag (like it was before), too, if that's not too much of an imposition.

Oh, and, if I may, I think that sorting the applications alphabetically is another lame thing. I can't imagine that being useful in the long run. I want to have things set up the way I'm used to them. And I wouldn't like having a file manager suddenly in a different place just because some smart **** decided to rename Dolphin to KWhale and think that renaming makes it "soooooooooo much better". That's a Gnome philosophy. Usability used to be KDEs. Sadly it has degraded significantly.

Take care!
Registered Member

Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:56 am

The keyboard-layout change works for me. I'm using "Keyboard Layout 1.0", Author: Andrey Butirksy (/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.keyboardlayout)
Registered Member

Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 8:26 am
koffeinfriedhof wrote:The keyboard-layout change works for me. I'm using "Keyboard Layout 1.0", Author: Andrey Butirksy (/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.keyboardlayout)

Oh, about that. Yes. By "keyboard-layout" you mean the old keyboard widget. That seems to be in a conflict with the "IBus Panel" and gets shut down eventually and the only one left is then "IBus Panel" (talk about an intuitive name). I don't want an IBUS PANEL!!! WTF IS AN IBUS PANEL?!? I want a keyboard layout. A working one!

The more I look around (regarding KDE, ehm, novelties) the more angry I am. You guys seem to dedicate all the work to "lipstick" (oh, look how nice this dark theme is!) rather than usability. That's a sure sign that KDE is going down the drain. I'll probably end up using Windows. That way the only thing I'll have to get used to is backslash instead of a slash.
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Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:17 am
My pinned apps appear exactly in the same order when I reboot. Changing my keyboard layout takes me two clicks. That's terrible. I'd like to change that by just thinking of it, by mind control. Unfortunately you can't get that in kde which sucks bigtime. The menu. I don't use the default menu but I'm fairly sure there's a setting to order them alphabetically or not. In the kickoff grid menu there's a setting for ordering by name or what they actually are. So stupid. Think I'll switch to windows. At least those guys think in my place for the entire OS.

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.
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Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:32 am
draver wrote:That seems to be in a conflict with the "IBus Panel"

How did you set up iBus? Have a look at your environment and check for iBus correctly set up
Code: Select all

I don't use it in my user account, so no idea if the "old keyboard widget" works with iBus.
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Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:56 pm
dzon wrote:My pinned apps appear exactly in the same order when I reboot.

Did I say something about "pinned"? I don't use pinned. That changes tab size leaving only the icon. I like wide tabs, giving extra info like titles and sound control. Without icons polluting the bar.

dzon wrote:Changing my keyboard layout takes me two clicks. That's terrible.

It's twice the time I'd like it. During my work I have to switch between the two layouts often. I don't even like the one click, let alone two.

dzon wrote:I'd like to change that by just thinking of it, by mind control.

I'd like that, too. Could you please implement that? Well, you left the genie out of the box yourself. Don't blame me for it later.

dzon wrote:Unfortunately you can't get that in kde which sucks bigtime. The menu. I don't use the default menu but I'm fairly sure there's a setting to order them alphabetically or not.

So, you do have a talent for letting people repeat themselves. I DON'T LIKE THE ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!!

dzon wrote:In the kickoff grid menu there's a setting for ordering by name or what they actually are.

Oh, well. I give up.
Registered Member

Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:01 pm
koffeinfriedhof wrote:How did you set up iBus?

I didn't set it up at all. It just appeared out of nowhere after the upgrade.

koffeinfriedhof wrote:Have a look at your environment and check for iBus correctly set up

Right. Gnome. Right. If one wants it done right, one has to tamper with some "registry" manually.
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Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:46 pm
draver wrote:It's twice the time I'd like it. During my work I have to switch between the two layouts often. I don't even like the one click, let alone two.

Thats what shortcuts are for.

draver wrote:Right. Gnome. Right. If one wants it done right, one has to tamper with some "registry" manually.

Do you need help or just want to rant?
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Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:01 pm
Why does draver's post count not increment? What is wrong with forum? :z

Migrated from Linux Mint 17.3/18.3 KDE to KDE neon User Edition.
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Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 8:03 pm
koffeinfriedhof wrote:Do you need help or just want to rant?

I like to rant. Let me try again: why do people feel the need to reinvent everything along with incrementing the version number?

I also need help. But I'm not getting any. Let me try again: I'd like to have tabs in a certain order I chose on my own (not alphabetical) preserved between reboots. Like I already had once. Somebody thought that was not a good idea and spoiled it. I'd like to have it unspoiled.

I would also like to have a certain uniform behaviour across all the applications (like menus, search, etc.). I don't like to have to click 10000 times to find something that should've been available with one click. I don't like Gnome stuff polluting KDE. I'm prepared to sacrifice style for functionality. I don't care about beautiful screensavers and wallpapers. And round buttons. And shades. And whatnot. Enough?
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Re: KDE woes

Wed Apr 27, 2022 9:28 pm
So, then use a shortcut to switch the keyboard layout. Zero clicks. Or one click with the "Keyboard Layout" plasmoid. It does work, even with custom, self frickled layouts ;)

But I can't help you with this ordering stuff as I do rarely use dolphin and Yakuake instead of Konsole. I have just the icons only task manager and do not care about sorting as I usually work with keyboard only. I have now moved two symbols and see if they are in the same order tomorrow ;)

As you did an upgrade, you should perhaps check if a new user account has the same issues or if its your old configuration stuff. Ubuntu is a stable distribution with a no upgrade policy and so you have missed around 24 Plasma upgrades and a few Qt-versions. Debian based and Qt is always a hard partnership.


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