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left hand / right hand mouse - index finger

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Hi there,

i recently bought me a second mouse to sometime use the left hand too for mouse handling.
Now i am struggling with the problem, that i want to use the so called left click from both with the index finger. but i can only set it for one mouse to be correct, the second will always have it the other way around.

Is it somehow possible to configure them separate?
I took a look at lsusb, they are both shown with the same identification.

Code: Select all
Bus 003 Device 012: ID 046a:a087 Cherry GmbH Wireless Mouse
Bus 003 Device 013: ID 046a:a087 Cherry GmbH Wireless Mouse

I did not test yet if they will always apear at the same bus and device or if that part differs. Is there any other way to tell them apart?



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