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Drop down-menu in the panel?

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Drop down-menu in the panel?

Thu Oct 13, 2022 12:51 pm
Hi all,

Suppose you have several web browsers linked in the panel, like in the linked pic below.

(Sorry, can't paste or attach a pic directly to this post for some reason. The above allows for downloading a small png pic.)

Can you add all four web browsers to some kind drop down-menu?

Much the same idea really, as in eg Android, where you can drop an icon shortcut on another and it automatically creates a folder containing the two icons, but with a drop down-menu instead in the panel.
The idea is to save panel space.

Any ideas how to do this, if it's at all possible?
Thanks in advance for any hints etc!


Running the latest Kubuntu LTS on an ancient HP z440 E5-1650 v3.


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