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Some roundness

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Some roundness

Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:35 pm
Might as well post it here. I see this quite a bit, people asking for some more roundness in plasma ui. Here's what you could do.
1) use another application style instead of breeze. Lightly for example. It has a bunch of settings, roundness being one of them. Fair warning: If you want a transparent toolbar, that seems to have issues since they implemented that wallpaper/custom highlight stuff in plasma.
2) use another window decoration. Klassy has some more advanced options.
3) use a plasma theme that has roundness in it. You'll find some in the kde store (or make one). In that screenshot you'll see what I mean with that radio widget.
4) use a more rounded icon theme. If you want to stick to what extras the breeze default icon theme has to offer, you could do the rounded version There is also a chameleon version If you want to make your own color schemes, there is a breeze rounded script. Can't seem to find a link to that one anymore or I made it myself ( can't remember). Anywho, here's an example of some ol' ubuntu style I did ( you get the point). So, in order to do that, you'll need to have the BreezeRC icons installed and adjust this script
5)the inner roundness of a kvantum theme is defined by the svg's. If you want roundness ( like, for example, the highlight), you'll need to fiddle with the svg's themselves

So, there are options available if you want a more round look. These were just a few.

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.


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