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Questions on customizing lockscreen

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Questions on customizing lockscreen

Sun Dec 25, 2022 7:17 pm
Hi everyone,

i'd like to individualize my lockscreen on Kubuntu 18.04, KDE-Plasma 5.12.9 and standard Breeze Theme installed in several ways. The last few days i've been researching a lot, finding truckloads of information but nothing really answering my questions.

An image of my lockscreen can be found here: . There are several things i'd like to customize:

- Change colour of time and date into something better visible.
- Remove the face.icon spacer completely.
- Exchange the "Change-User"-button with "Reboot"- and "Shutdown"-buttons and maybe move them down a bit.
- Change the icons of those two buttons.

I've been looking at the qml-files in /.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel/ and /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.breeze.desktop/ but i have too little programming skills to understand what to change in which file.

I'd really be grateful for some help. Maybe even some technical documentation would help me further if it's on the spot.

Thanks in advance for any kind of insights.


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