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Problems using extra keys for launching applications

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bcooksley wrote:Can you check to see if the "Input Actions" service is running? If you open System Settings > Startup & Shutdown > Service Manager, please make sure "Input Actions" is checked.

Yes, it is running. BTW, I appreciate the time you are spending on this.
Registered Member
This is probably not the correct thread, but what the hell. After many years away from kde, I see three issues that do not exist with Ubuntu 12.04 Unity and Gnome 3.4:

1. The calculator button issue which has been discussed in this thread;

2. Distorted graphics on some websites only; and

3. I have Screensaver turned off in kde, yet after 5 minutes the screen turns black and then I'm screwed. It doesn't matter what I press, the desktop does not return and I need to do a hard 'turn off'.

These issues exist with KDE only. The power issue is the most important to me as it prohibits me from using KDE. I would be glad to create a new thread if necessary, please advise if I should do so.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!
ad 1.
keycode 148 is for some reason ignored by kglobalaccel - it's not limited to the hotkeys and mapping it to some other symbol (F16) doesn't help either
-> kglobalaccel bug

ad 2.
which browser? and the very same one? for firefox turn off hardware acceleration, likely clashes with KWin OpenGL compositing, esp. if you've an intel or AMD chip

ad 3.
sounds like powermanagement and STR - are you on a mobile device and is it connected to AC?
"kcmshell4 kded" allows you to turn off power management (if your are on a regular box) and
"kcmshell4 powerdevilglobalconfig" and "kcmshell4 powerdevilprofilesconfig" allow you to configure the powermanagement settings
if you've an usb hub on your screen and the input devices connect to it the screen energy saving (xdpms) *may* turn off the hub as well, what means you can no longer use those devices to trigger input to break the idle mode.
Registered Member
luebking wrote:ad 2.
which browser? and the very same one? for firefox turn off hardware acceleration, likely clashes with KWin OpenGL compositing, esp. if you've an intel or AMD chip
ad 3.
sounds like powermanagement and STR - are you on a mobile device and is it connected to AC?
"kcmshell4 kded" allows you to turn off power management (if your are on a regular box) and
"kcmshell4 powerdevilglobalconfig" and "kcmshell4 powerdevilprofilesconfig" allow you to configure the powermanagement settings
if you've an usb hub on your screen and the input devices connect to it the screen energy saving (xdpms) *may* turn off the hub as well, what means you can no longer use those devices to trigger input to break the idle mode.

ad 2. This appears to be a Chrome issue only. It started a few days before Chrome v. 20 was upgraded and been reported as an issue with Ubuntu.

ad 3. I'm on a regular box with no USB hub. I have no idea how to configure "kcmshell4 kded"

I did the following per this thread:

It did not work and am hoping somebody can help. KDE certainly has changed since Mandrake 9.3!
I have no idea how to configure "kcmshell4 kded"

you type it into konsole or krunner ... it directly opens a systemsettings module.

If your keyboard is not connected to your monitor it's rather not a dpms issue, the system will just STR ("suspend to ram")

What kid of GPU do you have?
If you type "about:flags" into chromiums URL bar, you can deactivate GPU compositing and check whether the issue remains
Registered Member
No system settings module, just the following:

QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Registered Member
luebking wrote:
What kid of GPU do you have?
If you type "about:flags" into chromiums URL bar, you can deactivate GPU compositing and check whether the issue remains

Done, let me see what happens. BTW, I left the system running with the Monitor OFF. Almost two hours later, I turned the Monitor on with no problem. Is this a screensaver issue?
No system settings module, just the following:

Wait, what?
You get the (not so much relevant, appeared with Qt4.8 and annoys everyone :-) warning but no config dialog shows up and there's neitehr a worning that the module doesn't exist and you should use "--list" to query modules??

BTW, I left the system running with the Monitor OFF. Almost two hours later, I turned the Monitor on with no problem

Stupid questions:
a) do you have an application "xscreensaver" installed?
b) when
the screen turns black and then I'm screwed
, can you still ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to VT1 (text shell, better ensure you can at all, some distros disable that)
Registered Member
luebking wrote:
No system settings module, just the following:

Wait, what?
You get the (not so much relevant, appeared with Qt4.8 and annoys everyone :-) warning but no config dialog shows up and there's neitehr a worning that the module doesn't exist and you should use "--list" to query modules??

BTW, I left the system running with the Monitor OFF. Almost two hours later, I turned the Monitor on with no problem

Stupid questions:
a) do you have an application "xscreensaver" installed?
b) when
the screen turns black and then I'm screwed
, can you still ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to VT1 (text shell, better ensure you can at all, some distros disable that)

Sorry for the delay - it is a Holiday week. I have xscreensaver-gl installed, not xscreensaver. Difference?

I have switched to VT1 with Unity and Gnome 3.4.

Thanks for the help!
Sorry for the delay - it is a Holiday week.

Nevermind - *I* have time ;-)
I have xscreensaver-gl installed, not xscreensaver. Difference?

No. Ensure there's no "xscreensaver" process running:
ps -Af | grep -i xscreensaver | grep -v grep

If there's one, kill it and ensure it's not auto-launched again (if you run "xscreensaver" or pot. "xscreensaver-gl" you get a config window, but closing that will NOT quit xscreensaver.

I have switched to VT1 with Unity and Gnome 3.4.

No, "with linux" (it's a kernel feature) - but that's not the point.
Esp. if you changed the distro or ever considered the word "re-install" and just in general: check that you can /now/
If no, alter xorg.conf so that you can.

When the screen locks up, switch to VT1, login and check ("ps ax") what's running - everything reminding to screensavers or including the term "kss" would be suspicious. Also check for the dpms state ("DISPLAY=:0 xset q")

If you can no longer switch to VT1 while you could before the screen locked you got a kernel panic - translates: big trouble
If you get an error like "could not open display :0"
a) ensure you didn't mistype "DISPLAY=:0", in doubt export it
b) "ps ax | grep X | grep -v grep" - check whether there's still an X server - if not, check/post /var/log/Xorg.0.log (if you intend to restart X11 to post it, copy it "cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/Xorg.0.log and post the copy!)
Registered Member
No xscreensaver process running;
I can switch to VT1 in the KDE environment; and
I don't want any kernel panic. What happens if that is the case....
you got to do a hard reset (as you apparently did so far) - your box will NOT explode or so ;-)
it's just that this would be a kernel level issue than what is not easy to even just inspect for less experienced users.

just trigger the issue, see whether you can still switch to VT1 and in case log in and inspect what's running wild there.
(hint: usually when you actually have a kernel panic your keyboard LEDs start blinking, so if that didn't happen )


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