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Shortcuts without metakeys

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Shortcuts without metakeys

Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:27 pm
Hi there,

I need to implement some global shortcuts consisting of numbers, e.g. "122" or "123" as I am using a wireless numberpad to controll my xmms2. add files to it, add a special radio stream etc. So far I did this at a tty. Now the use context for that pc has changed & it is running KDE @ Debian Squeeze.
The Problem is that (at least on my Archlinux-Laptop that I am currently sittingat) does allow to setup custom global shortcuts but obviously they need to involve a meta key such as altor ctrl.
quite obviously this is not available @ that numberpad. Any attempts and research to find alternatives failed.

So, is this possible at all? I do not need any visual feedback, just to remote control xmms2.

thanks for your input,



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