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change KDE theme for individual applications

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I just started using Xournal and have run into a problem with using a dark theme, in that text has a black background when selected. This problem is solved by using a light theme.
Is there a way to change the KDE theme for specific applications (such as Xournal) while maintaining the system-wide theme?
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do not believe individual apps can have their own theme

couple of things to try in systemsettings color settings:
-change the "selected text" color (if this is what's the cause)
-disable "apply colors to non KDE4 applications"

look at changing something in the Xjournal config file like paper color, highlighter color or text color ... figuration

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

Registered Member
The "View Background" color is responsible for the coloration, and I'm not too keen on swapping out a huge chunk of my theme coloration.
Deselecting "Apply colors to non-KDE applications" seemed to have no effect.
The config file for Xournal is very limited and contains nothing of the sort.

So, I may be working with a dark background/light text style in Xournal for now. I'm trying running it through a different user that has a light theme while still in my user, but I'm not sure how it will work. In the meantime, I have also filed a bug report on Xournal's SourceForge site.
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temporalpterosaur wrote:The config file for Xournal is very limited and contains nothing of the sort.

not according to their manual ... figuration, maybe they are available but not yet set
Code: Select all
<snip>The configuration file also gives access to additional customization options which cannot be set from the user interface, such as: the display resolution in pixels per inch, the step increment in zoom factors, the tool selected at startup, the thickness of the various drawing tools, the default directory for opening and saving files, the visibility and position of the menu and toolbars, ...
Paper settings (in the [paper] section):
width, height: the default paper size, in points (1 point = 1/72 in = 0.353 mm)
color: the default paper color (named color or #rrggbbaa)
style: the default paper style (plain, lined, ruled, or graph)
apply_all: whether paper style changes get applied to all pages (see also "Apply to all pages" in Journal menu)
print_ruling: whether to include the paper ruling lines when printing (see also "Print Paper Ruling" in Options menu)
progressive_bg: whether to generate PDF backgrounds just-in-time as pages become visible (rather than immediately upon opening the document or changing the zoom level, which is more memory-intensive); see also "Progressive Backgrounds" in Options menu
gs_bitmap_dpi: resolution (in dpi) of bitmap backgrounds generated from PS/PDF files when using "Load Background" in Journal menu; higher values mean higher quality but larger memory usage
pdftoppm_printing_dpi: resolution (in dpi) of bitmaps generated from PDF backgrounds when exporting to PDF (only used if the PDF parser is unable to process the background PDF file); higher values mean higher quality but larger output files

Tool settings (in the [tools] section):
startup_tool: the tool selected at startup (one of: pen, eraser, highlighter, selectrect, vertspace, hand)
pen_color, pen_thickness, pen_ruler, pen_recognizer: the default pen settings: color (a named color or #rrggbbaa), thickness (fine = 1, medium = 2, thick = 3), ruler mode, recognizer mode
highlighter_color, highlighter_thickness, highlighter_ruler, highlighter_recognizer: the default highlighter settings
eraser_thickness, eraser_mode: the default eraser settings: thickness (fine = 1, medium = 2, thick = 3) and operating mode (standard = 0, whiteout = 1, delete strokes = 2)
btn2_tool, btn3_tool: the tools mapped to buttons 2 and 3 (can be: pen, eraser, highlighter, selectrect, vertspace, hand)
btn2_linked, btn3_linked: whether the settings of the tools for buttons 2 and 3 are linked to those of the corresponding primary tools
btn2_color, btn2_thickness, btn2_ruler, btn2_recognizer, btn2_erasermode: if the settings are not linked to the primary tool (btn2_linked is false), the settings of the tool mapped to button 2. Not all entries are applicable, depending on the value of btn2_tool.
btn3_color, btn3_thickness, btn3_ruler, btn3_recognizer, btn3_erasermode: similarly for the button 3 tool.
pen_thicknesses, eraser_thicknesses, highlighter_thicknesses: the widths in points (1 pt = 1/72 in = 0.353 mm) of the various pens (5 values from 'very fine' to 'very thick'), erasers (3 values from 'fine' to 'thick') and highlighters (3 values from 'fine' to 'thick')
default_font, default_font_size: the name and point size of the default text font.

running it thru a different user (with a lighter theme) should work, I do something similar and it works - you'll need to consider location and rights of files (both data and config).

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

Registered Member
Yeah, it's more than limited, you're right. But it still doesn't seem to have anything for changing this feature (or even turning it off...)


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