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Colors scheme in office aplications

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Colors scheme in office aplications

Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:11 pm

For a long time I've been using default color settings for KDE (light theme). Two weeks ago I started to use a Wonton Soup color scheme (dark theme). I love it, especially for photo & video aplications, but I would like to have default (light) color theme just for kmail&contact.

The biggest problem I have are apperance of documents from Libre Office. Writer is quite OK instead of white letters on dark-grey background, but I can'not read my old spreadsheets and spreadsheets from my customers - as a pallete collors is oposite, and colors are so bright - so it is unreadable. To read any spreadsheet, I have to go Sysstem Settings > Application Apperance >> Colours Setting and change it into Default pallete, and after finishing my job with spreadsheet again.

Its really anoying.

Is it possible to have color inside office document the same like original?
Or maybe is possible something like in KdeNlive, where inside the program I can have chosen color scheme just for this application.

Thanks for any suggestions and any help.


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