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[SOLVED] how to have a slideshow screensaver in kde?

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Recent convert from gnome here, and I feel really stupid that I can't figure out how to do this. I'd like to point the screensaver at a specific directory and have it cycle through the pictures there, changing every 10 seconds or so. (The power management is set to blank the screen after 30 min or so.)

Problem 1: I couldn't find the screensaver. I installed xscreensaver, and that sort-of does it, but it insists on panning and zooming and I hate that. It also seems to crash X windows every once in a while. Not good. Then I found out that there's kscreensaver, and I installed that, but I still can't figure out how to get at it.

So, folks, help a newbie out here. I've been using linux since 1997, but this has me beat. (I actually used KDE for years before switching to gnome about five years ago because it was easier to get wireless working.)

Last edited by quixote on Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member
Okay. I finally found where the settings are. Jeeeebus. Uh, small suggestion to kde devs: put this stuff somewhere logical, like, say, under Desktop Settings. Or even (probably too radical) under an entry called "Screensaver." (Sorry. I'm just a tad frustrated.)

The secret path is this: Settings > System Settings. Opens up a window. There go to Hardware-and-Display. Then, ta-da!, Screensaver. Under Screensaver, choose Banners and Pictures, and then "Slideshow." That will let you enter the directory containing the pictures you want.

Then, for it to take effect, you need to log out and back in (or restart).

It took me this long to find it because I never thought of "Hardware" as having anything to do with screensavers. I assumed that was just monitor resolution and the like. Nor did the search work for me for some reason until today, when I must have finally managed to enter a term it recognized. (I'm pretty sure I searched for "screensaver" before. Maybe I asked for "screensavers"?)


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