Registered Member
I am new to Linux. I installed kuntu 12 on two of my computers. On an HP machine and an Acer machine. I am writing this from my HP machine. On my Acer machine I installed it as a dual boot. The first several times that I wanted to go on the Internet wireless it did so immediately. I could not have been happier. I did not try to connect wired because I wanted to connect wireless. I guess I should have tried to connect wired just to see if it would. In the Windows mode it still connects wired or wireless to the Internet. A few days ago it could not find the Internet. I have another Windows machine that stills goes on the Internet wireless at home perfectly. I have taken the Acer to McDonalds and it would not find the Internet there either. The Acer machine will go on McDonalds website in the windows mode. I have no clue as to what happened to the machine so that it stopped finding the Internet. When the machine boots up in LInux it gives an error message of: " Warning: Cannot open ConsoleKit session: Unabble to open session; The permission of the setuid helper is not correct". I have not idea what that means. I am wondering if I did not close a program on the Acer machine and that is what caused it stopped finding the Internet or what. I have no idea and I hope someone can help me. Thank you.
Google'ing suggest this error might happen after an upgrade
Registered Member
Thank you for your quick response. I think that might be the answer. The problem now is: I am suppose to add this line to, the end of some code block? where is this code located? I have no idea as to how to get to this block of code. Also do I add this line to the end of the block? the middle someplace? or at the beginning? Again thank you.
the code is a command to run as root in Konsole, just type it then hit enter
unfortunately I'm not familiar with dpkg or apt which are used by *ubuntu and Debian so not sure what exactly is "rerun the update command", I'm guessing it refers to the to command upgrade all installed packages which you would also run in Konsole
Registered Member
I want to thank you for all of your help. I am better off than what I was. I now have wired Internet on the Acer. After getting wired Internet I then tried that code you suggested of getting all of the updates. That did not seem to help. Right now I think I will take a break from this problem. Maybe work on it later tonight or tomorrow. I will try looking up those commands and see what they are all about. Again thank you for your help.
does the network management app in system tray show the available networks?
does the consolekit error still show at boot?
Registered Member
Yes the ConsoleKit error still shows at startup. Nevertheless, I can get on the wired Internet. As for the network interface information I only show the wired. If I disconnect the wired then I show nothing. I think my next step is to take the Acer to McDonalds and see if it will connect to thier Internet. I will let you know what happens at McDonalds. I will be busy today so I will post the McDonald results tomorrow. Again thank you for your help.
If networkmanager was working correctly you should be seeing any wireless networks in the area, guessing it might be the wireless drivers but usually they're part of the kernel
in Konsole can you run the following 3 commands and post the output if any
silly question but could you have disabled wifi?
Registered Member
I typed in those three lines of code and did not get a response from the Acer. I tried getting on the Internet and no change there. I then restarted the Acer and then tried to get on the Internet, no luck. Earlier today I took the Acer to McDonalds and in the Linux mode it would not find the Internet. The same results that I get at home. When I started the Acer in the Windows mode, it got on the Internet without any problems.
When I start the Acer in the Linux mode it says "Cannot open ConsoleKit: Unable to open session: The permission of the seuid helper is not correct" What is the setuid helper? I have nothing of value in the machine on the Linux side. However, I do not want to lose the information on the Windows side. Is there some way I could reload Linux without disturbing Windows? Since I have Unbunta 12 and the latest version that I see online is Unbunta 14 could I get the later version to overwrite my version 12? Please keep in mind that I do have wired Internet on the Acer. |
seems to me that the lack of a response to the 3 commands you ran indicate that the wireless modem is not being recognized for some reason.
upgrading may well fix your issues and provide you with a newer version of KDE (14.3) upgrading from 12.x to 14.x see from the Ubuntu Community Wiki ... u/12.04LTS from Wiki
Registered Member
Thank you for your help. I have started the upgrade on the Acer. The Acer is not a new machine and is slow. It looks like I will be lucky if the upgrade is finished by bedtime. I will let you know how it turns out.
Registered Member
I wish to thank you for your help. However, I am just about out of patience. The Acer seems to have taken the upgrade to version 14 fine. When it boots up is asks for a login and password. I have used about every combination I can think of. I would have thought that it would be my old login and password but they don't work. I do not know what to do now. I guess get away from it for a while and try again tomorrow.
try login=kubuntu and leave password field blank, if that doesn't work try login=ubuntu again with a blank password
that's pretty strange, you might want to ask about that on Kubuntu's forum |
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