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Openconnect: invalid host entry

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Openconnect: invalid host entry

Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:19 pm

I am struggling with an Openconnect VPN connection.

1) I can connect via the terminal using the openconnect package, but then no proxy is automatically detected
2) If I add openconnect to the networkmanager I can connect at first and a proxy is automatically identified. Once I disconnect the proxy stays on though and I have to deactivate it manually.
3) If I for the second time after configuring the openconnect profile in the networkmanager connect with that profile I get: invalid host entry and I cannot connect. I have to delete to profile and set it up again. Whats going on here?

How can I troubleshoot this proxy detection thing?

Thanks if anyone can share some information here.
Registered Member

Re: Openconnect: invalid host entry

Mon May 02, 2016 7:05 am
I ran into this problem tonight. While I don't have a solution, I can offer the workaround I discovered.

1. Close any open NM connection editors you may have.
2. Manually edit the connection profile in question (probably in the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections directory, at least it is on Gentoo Linux).
3. In the "[vpn-secrets]" section, remove the (very long) "xmlconfig=XXXXX" line and save.
4. Execute "nmcli con reload" (probably as root) to make NM reload the config you edited.

It should now work normally again for one connection. :/


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