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Konq and Kontact

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Konq and Kontact

Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:58 pm
Just a general question, I saw a post about Konq last year where a maintainer was being looked for and lots of ideas for the prospective maintainer were put forth. What is the current state of Konquror and Kontact? Do they have maintainers? are they being developed? Is development on hold because of activity with plasma shell and resumed in future?
I think most are using firefox thuderbird and dolphin in KDE , but Konqueror and Kontact are conceptually pillars of KDE and I would love to hear back on updates regarding them (and Okular and Calligra - though I read they are both being ported to Qt5 currently)
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Interesting blog post reflecting similar thoughts, and interesting views on cloud integration ... gnome.html ... gnome.html


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