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KNetAttach can't connect to FTP using IP

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Hello all, this is my first post here. I need some help with KNetAttach.

I work on Debian/KDE as a web developer and i use the remote folders to upload my files through FTP. This has worked flawlessly for a long time until now.

I am migrating some websites to a new server and until i switch the nameservers i can only work with the IP on the new server. So i tried to create remote folders with KNetAttach to upload the files, but it is not working. Says authentication failed (!!!).

I tried logging in through the address bar in the browser (iceweasel/firefox) and it worked fine. The same login credentials work fine when i login to cPanel. Server support guy said he could connect through Filezilla as well. But it just won't cooperate when i try with the remote folder.

The connection through IP works fine for my other server, i tested it.

I posted on too and some people told me to take a look at the settings, but i can't find settings for this anywhere. ... knetattach

Any ideas?
Thank you


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