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kde connect can't access android (j6+) external sd card ?

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I have downloaded latest kdeconnect on android and linux. Realized that i can access external sd card on android phone thru linux, not even single directional access.
Anything i missed out ?
Registered Member
This may be relevant, depending on your configuration, as a workaround until there is a fix in the Linux

[in case your issue is the first-time reading of sdcards on your PC with a perhaps not entirely updated Ubuntu-derived Linux, there are some auxillary drivers that can be installed and as I recall, askubuntu lists some apt install commands to get hold of these]:

There is at present an issue coming up in all forms of Ubuntu-derived Linuxes, it seems, and most of them seem connected to something that happens to the computer after Chromium is installed on it, and that is that mounting or accessing SD-cards via such as file manager Dolphin may suddenly run into problems. This has messages such as 'polkit authority not available', 'not authorized to perform this operation', and such. A reboot sometimes does help and sometimes not, and usually the problem arises after shutting down the PC with a sdcard in it.

Up until recently, the solution rested with this: to uninstall a package that comes along with Chromium that is called 'chrome-remote-desktop'. However the uninstall command for this package doesn't seem to recognize the existence of this package in the newest Linuxes. There is indeed another thread on this forum that concludes that the solution is to uninstall that remote-desktop utility, but, as said, it is no longer solving it in the way it is handled there. There may be another name for that app-part now.

Another solution used to be to run Dolphin as root or sudo, but it is no longer possible; and pcmanfm, while it does run as root, does not do mounting of devices when run as root, at least not unless configured in some way.

To regain access to the sdcard in file managers this is a workaround that I have found, which must be done with care the first time until you know the process. The first time, make a subfolder named eg /mount. This is a way:

Code: Select all
sudo -i
mkdir /mount

Having created the /mount folder, list all the devices, and the /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1 or something listed last should be the device you plug in, like the sdcard: but check it by plugging and unplugging it some times, and redoing the fdisk command:

Code: Select all
fdisk -l

On my computer it is /dev/sda1 so I type, to mount the sdcard:

Code: Select all
mount /dev/sda1 /mount

It can now be written to and read from by Dolphin in normal user mode by accessing root folder /mount in the computer. Later on, I unmount it safely by this command:

Code: Select all
umount /dev/sda1

In case of a Wayland login session, which sometimes has an exit issue with its 'wl-copy' command, or some other programs that don't cleanly exit entirely, you can strengthen the unmount command like this:

Code: Select all
umount /dev/sda1 --force

However it may not unmount it even so. If it does not unmount it, be very sure all programs are closed, wait a minute, and take out the card. Turn off the PC, wait half a minute, insert the sdcard [supposing that's okay with your sdcard type] and turn it on again. This may adequately reset the sdcard and allow normal opening by a file manager.

In any way, after doing a number of sudo actions on a terminal by means of the sudo -i command, be sure to exit the mode cleanly.

Code: Select all

Normally, you should use sudo without sudo -i because of the increased security of not having an open Administrator terminal like this for a prolonged period of time, and gradually you should work out the sudo commands and do away with the need for sudo -i here.

Hope this helps! As said, we must really hope this issue gets solved all over the place, for a number of people in a number of different forums have questions about the use of sdcards with their Linux PCs, and it ought to have a full and enduring solution, naturally.

P.S. Notes on enhancing stability of the PC sdcard device in this context:

One of the most important things is that all sdcards that can be ejected should be ejected before turning off the PC. It may be, as said, of an advantage to the sdcard device to start the PC with the sdcard plugged in. When ejecting a sdcard, after doing a number of things on a sdcard like 'cp' and 'cd' and 'gwenview' in a Konsole terminal in a Wayland session in Neon KDE Linux, is that Dolphin file manager, at eject, states something like this 'Cannot eject device. One or more programs (wl-copy) is still using it' or it says 'no polkit authority'. This arises even though you ensure that all your programs and all your terminal windows relating to the sdcard are properly closed. Fortunately, some features of this has a workaround: install and use 'pcmanfm' consistently when it comes to sdcards, as it has an additional option that is useful in some of these cases, where you need to eject a device and know that you have no open programs there. The graphical file manager PCManFm, used eg in LXDE desktops as a standard, has the additional, significant option 'Eject anyway'. However this option, like the --force option of umount, does not always work; in which case you must check that there are no open programs, at least not using the sdcard, before taking it out. Turn off the PC, wait half a minute or more, insert the card, and at next startup it may work normally.


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