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KDE update notification only working on wired network

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Hello everyone,

I'm using KDE neon for several years now using a Windows / Linux dual-boot setup. Still, the following problem has nothing to do with this particular configuration.

If there is an update available, KDE's tray notification shows the 'there is a new update available' notification. After recently upgrading to KDE neon based on 22.04, this update notification only works if the network (internet) connection is by wired network, but not on Wi-Fi. If there is an update, I can reproduce this issue relatively easily: Reboot or login while on wired network connection shows the notification, removing the network plug (and using Wi-Fi with auto connection) does not. Manually checking for updates of course works in either case, the same holds for command line updates. So it's really just an issue with the auto check.

I suspect that the "is there a new update" check simply executes too early (i.e. network connection is not yet established, thus the check fails to reach the update server and does not retry thereafter). Does anybody knows how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!


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