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Kopete gone nuts

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Kopete gone nuts

Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:27 pm
Hi! Since 4.6.0 I have a big problem with Kopete, getting worse. Now I am with 4.6.1 on Gentoo-Linux, 64bit.
My problem:
I use the skype plugin. Since 4.6.0 Kopete forgets contacts, shows a lot of empty contacts, duplicates already added contacts , forgets contacts added to groups and freezes for minutes sometimes. This doesn't happen always and not only Skype contacts are affected, but also Yahoo and MSN ones :(
When started from a konsole I get this:
Code: Select all
Application asked to unregister timer 0x0 which is not registered in this thread. Fix application.
kopete(30182)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry: doesn't know "/home/martux/.kde4/share/apps/kabc"
kopete(30182)/kdecore (KLibrary) kde4Factory: The library "/usr/lib64/kde4/" does not offer a qt_plugin_instance function.
kopete(30182)/libkopete Kopete::PluginManager::loadPluginInternal: Unable to find a plugin named ' "" '!
martux@aumakua ~ $ kopete(30182)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled
kopete(30182)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled

Transfer ACCEPTED by: LoginTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: LoginTask
CLIENT: Task: Task::done()
CLIENT: Task: emitting finished
kopete(30182)/libkopete Kopete::Account::addContact: You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of "xxx@xxx" to account "xxx@xxx" will not take place.
Transfer ACCEPTED by: ListTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: StatusNotifierTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: StatusNotifierTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: LoginTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: MailNotifierTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: StatusNotifierTask
CLIENT: SendPictureTask: Task::done()
CLIENT: SendPictureTask: emitting finished
CLIENT: SendPictureTask: Task::done()
CLIENT: SendPictureTask: emitting finished
CLIENT: SendPictureTask: Task::done()
CLIENT: SendPictureTask: emitting finished
Transfer ACCEPTED by: PictureNotifierTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: PictureNotifierTask
Transfer ACCEPTED by: PictureNotifierTask
MSN: Error: Error code: 715 (Email Address Not verified)

Kwallet is not installed and has never been. The config files were copied over from a 4.5 install. This really only is an issue since update to 4.6.x.
If I have to delete config files, which ones and how can I get my contacts back? And the chat history?
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Re: Kopete gone nuts

Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:29 am
Contacts may be dependent upon Akonadi functioning correctly, although I don't know the extent to Kopete's usage of KDE PIM information.

KDE Sysadmin
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Re: Kopete gone nuts

Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:43 pm
Hmm, I don't think so. I don't even have the akonadi server started, nor did I ever had.
Well, maybe the error occured due to incompatibiliy from too old config files, being taken over and over. I deleted them all now and it seems to work.
Stuff like this happened quite often since KDE4 and some kind of warning would be nice, or an migration wizard.
Well, I hope that problem is fixed, if not I will write here again.


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