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How does a person create a playlist in Kaffeine player?

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Short version:
How does a person create a playlist in Kaffeine player? Please tell me. I require step-by-step directions. Considering my years of experience with Linux, (not a guru) I feel sorry for a newbie. I can setup an encrypted lvm on software raid 10 in Linux, and I can do the same with Freebsd, ( geli encryption, device stripping, gmirror, obviously no lvm in Freebsd) but I cannot create a playlist in Kaffeine player. Oh, the playlist tab in Kaffeine is as useless as the home page. I do like kaffeine other than its playlist creation problems.

How I tried to solve this debacle:
I applied all of my playlist making skills to kaffeine with no results. See below
If one were to write one set of instructions for playlist creation in Gnome (sm-player and gnome-mplayer) VLC and Windows, that set of instructions would look like this:
1) CTL+l or F9 or select the playlist icon or select the word playlist form the menu.
2) right click and then select add file(s) or directory or click the add tracks symbol
3) highlight track(s) or directory
4) click open or add
Repeat as required
End of Short Version

Provide step-by-step instructions to reduce the possibility of mistakes by myself or someone else who cold benefit from this post.

If you respond to this post, please avoid the following three ego related responses that are sometimes to easy to find in a Linux forum.
Additional Info
1) Do not not ask me what part of playlist creation in Kaffeine is difficult, for the obvious answer is everything. If I said that I was having trouble with step four, providing steps 5 – 7 will not guarantee that I have not made mistakes wit steps 1 – 3. The same could be said of someone else who might read this post later on. Provide info that will help others and me too.

Provide step-by-step instructions to reduce the possibility of mistakes by myself or someone else who cold benefit from this post.

2) I am not requesting information on playlist creation via text files. No one should be relegated to that. Besides my playlist (music videos, etc) change so frequently as to make gui the only sane choice.

3) I realize thay playlist creation in Kaffeine could be more difficult than other media players. As such, some respondents may feel the need to attempt to avoid enumerating all of the steps necessary to create a playlist in kaffeine out of fear of tainint Kaffeine's reputation. Just remember that silence speaks volumes as does disrepect.

From the above, one can see that I have experience creating playlist, and while I am no linux guru, my accomplishments in Linux and freebsd (see first paragraph) mean that if I cannot create a playlist in Kaffeine player, something is wrong with kaffeine player's usability and newbies are screwed.

Google was useless except to point out bugs. The Others in this forum have had problems with playlist creation in Kaffeine player too.

Thanks in advance providing step-by-step instructions to reduce the possibility of mistakes by myself or someone else who cold possibly benefit from this post.
Registered Member
It's not that difficult:
  1. Click on the "Playlist" tab on the left (where you have "Start", "Playback", "Playlist", and "Television")
  2. Below the Playlist is a file browser (bottom-left). Navigate to the directory containing the file you want to add.
  3. Drag the file from the file browser to the playlist (the top-right section)
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 for other files you want to add

Hope that helps! ;)
Registered Member
wolfi323 wrote:It's not that difficult:
  1. Click on the "Playlist" tab on the left (where you have "Start", "Playback", "Playlist", and "Television")
  2. Below the Playlist is a file browser (bottom-left). Navigate to the directory containing the file you want to add.
  3. Drag the file from the file browser to the playlist (the top-right section)
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 for other files you want to add

Hope that helps! ;)

Thank you for your simple yet effective answer! If there were more people like you in the forums, forums would be a much better place! The preceding is not an explicit nor implicit indictment of this forum, far from it! While you could've been condescending or demanding in your response, you've instead provided an answer that has helped me and will surely help others. Thanks again.

Slight modification to your answer:

Step one should be ensure that kaffeine occupies at least 75% of the screen before attempting your instructions otherwise the needed browser may not be large enough to be useful. That was my problem despite my 20/20 vision.

The reason that this is important is as follows: After the playlist tab is selected, the lower left quadrant of kaffeine player takes on the function of a browser roughly analogous to konqueror or pcmanfm. However, the existence of this browser can be obscured: if the player's size is reduced to 40% of the screen or less; if one is accustomed to playlist control and the existence of a playlist function in the upper left hand side of kaffeine's menu bar.

1) Ensure Kaffeine player occupies at least 75% of the screen (At least untill one is very familiar with Kaffeine)
2) Click on the "Playlist" tab on the left (where you have "Start", "Playback", "Playlist", and "Television")
3) Below the Playlist is a file browser (bottom-left). Navigate to the directory containing the file you want to add.
4) Drag the file from the file browser to the playlist (the top-right section)
5) Repeat 2 and 3 for other files you want to add

Again, thank you very much for the prompt, effective and courteous response!
User avatar
Erm, is it really necessary to use such big font size changes? It looks like shouting to me. We can ready, no need to exaggerate.

Running Kubuntu 22.10 with Plasma 5.26.3, Frameworks 5.100.0, Qt 5.15.6, kernel 5.19.0-23 on Ryzen 5 4600H, AMD Renoir, X11
FWIW: it's always useful to state the exact Plasma version (+ distribution) when asking questions, makes it easier to help ...
Registered Member
Mamarok wrote:Erm, is it really necessary to use such big font size changes? It looks like shouting to me. We can ready, no need to exaggerate.

My two goals in posting were:
1) to thank the individual who helped me, which I did, twice
2) ensure that in future, no one would make the mistake that I made since so much time had been spent by me and others trying to solve this issue,

Shouting is typically defined as the use of all caps ,excessive use of exclamation marks and or language that is explicitly or implicitly offensive. Clearly, I've not committed any of those offenses here.

For your convenience, here are some reputable references with respect to shouting online:

While I would have preferred smaller font choices, I was limited by what was available.

Also, while the forum does speak of being polite, which I've been, it does not prohibit bold or font to prevent others from making one's own mistakes.
With due respect, since I lack a degree in decorating, if given the choice of assuaging someone's evolved or excessively heightened sense of aesthetics or ensuring that others succeed from my failures and thanking those who have helped me, I will defer to the latter on every occasion.

I di not come here for fights, problems and to be made to feel unwelcome as I try to help others and myself.
Good day


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