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Hello, please be patient with me. Although I've done a full Ubuntu Unity install on a homemade computer, with no problems, this KDE install on an ASUS C300 Chromebook has been giving me quite a few problems. And I am no computer guru by any means. The only gift I have is being able to follow directions relatively well.
So I've installed KDE using crouton and I've been having issues with the hot keys like (ctrl-volume up, volume down) actually puts me into a selection screen where i can choose one of my opened windows instead of doing anything with the volumed (ctrl-brightness up, down) does nothing at all. (ctrl-alt-forward back) for selecting between chrome os and kde will not switch at all. I don't know if this is the right place for this conversation as well, but I've installed Kodi (one of the main reasons for me getting KDE) and I've been having a TON of issues with it. The audio does not work at all, even when changed in the system settings from using nothing as the output, to using chrome os audio, nothing. the video has never been smooth at all on this download, it lags an insane amount, completely unwatchable. Cannot exit Kodi at all, press exit, it basically sits on that screen for an infinite amount of time. I'm getting extremely frustrated with this and some outside help would be extremely helpful! Some background: I've tried installing quite a few different OS trying to work out the bugs, one of them was xfce, it was very bare bones and when kodi was installed it lagged just as badly as it does now, maybe even worse, but it had audio. i installed another version of kde somehow? (again, don't really know what I'm doing, but i believe i used "trusty" in the command) this time all i used was, sudo ~/Downloads/crouton -t kde i believe I've installed another 2 versions i think before i showed up a here a crushed and frustratsed man. I've had versions where all the hot keys worked fine, but still had no audio on kodi and I've had version where nothing worked at all Just. Please Help. before my laptop ends up as a cutting board. Thank you in advance Also when asking question of me, please treat me like I know nothing..because I probably don't |
![]() KDE CWG ![]()
Hello, Cameron, sorry to hear that you are having difficulties. According to https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/7 ... th-crouton what you are using is Ubuntu plus KDE desktop within a chroot.
So you are not using Kubuntu, which is how most users of KDE software get their software. It sounds as if you can at least use apt or apt-get in the commandline though. Do you often use the ChromeOS features? If so, you can keep experimenting with this "KDE in a chroot". Otherwise, you may want to install Kubuntu *instead of* the ChromeOS you have. To test if this will work, you can download an ISO and burn it to a USB drive, and then then boot from that drive to see if all of your hardware still works from you. You can download the ISOs here: https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ . Instructions for creating a bootable USB here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/116942/a ... b-from-iso . They don't mention it, but I always verify the image first, before taking the time to write it: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM Hope this helps! Valorie |
![]() Manager ![]()
I think that this is not the best place for this problem, if you google: kodi crouton audio: https://www.google.com/search?client=op ... audio+kodi you get a number of relavent posts regarding audio problem(s) with crouton
such as
https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/wiki Sep 21, 2015 - There's tips for using crouton floating all around the interwebs. ... Audio: Some notes about audio in crouton, and how it (literally) plays with ... Apr 3, 2014 - Audio often breaks on Chrome OS update (so you need to update the ... As far as I know volume control in crouton is broken, so you cannot .. what you need is to find a crouton centric forum |
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Firstly, I am running only Neon on my ASUS C300, no crouton. The reason that your volume buttons and etc aren't working is because they are function keys, but they are no longer tied to the functions described by the pictures on the keys. To fix it, you have to figure out how to tie different functions to those keys. I'm still researching that, but I know it's possible with KDE. The Linux Kernel doesn't like out machines my friend. The audio doesn't work because the Kernel doesn't support our audio hardware. I have figured that out after about a month of trying new and different things. I even tried working with someone at kernel.org to try to help write the support for our hardware, but I barely know what I'm doing when it comes to the Kernel. I think it would take a considerable amount of work to actually get the audio working. Now for my conclusion. I am still looking into this, but Chrome OS uses the Linux Kernel so that means that they must have some sort of support for our hardware, but I don't know how difficult it would be to implement the Kernel underneath the KDE Neon system. So the short version of this answer is, there is little you can do unless you are a good at writing your own drivers and such. |
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