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Some questions about animation tool

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Some questions about animation tool

Sat Mar 04, 2023 7:37 pm
Hello to everyone :)

I'm new in the software and my goal is to create really basic animation with some objects and upload to YouTube.

I'm stuck in very early stages and I have a few questions:

1. How can I delete frames that I've already created?
2. All objects appear in the first frame, how can I select a specific frame where the specific object I choose will appear? I mean a chronological order of the appearance of objects.
3. How can I exporting the right file type for a YouTube upload?

* I do not paint or design the animation, these are objects that I have already painted before and now they only require animation.

I’ve looked a lot in the search engines and watched a lot of tutorial videos, none of them provided answers to the questions above :/

I'd appreciate any help.
Have a great day :)


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