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Dist: Kubuntu 10.10
KDE Version: 4.5.1 Computer: Dell Precision Workstation 690 Hi. I have trouble getting audio to work on this computer. The Multimedia section of "System Settings" only lists "Internal Audio Analog Stereo" as output device (under "Phonon"). I am pretty sure the computer has a sound card, but I have no idea how to manually detect and configure it. It would not be a big deal if the "Internal Audio" worked. Unfortunately, the sound is horrible. Stereo is not working properly, and the sound itself keeps cracking. Any help would be appreciated. I have "pulseaudio" installed. Thanks!
Last edited by daihard on Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) 64-bit / KDE 4.8.1
Work: Dell Precision T5500 (Xeon E5506 @ 2.13 GHz x 2 / 12GB RAM) Home: Panasonic Toughbook W8 (Core 2 Duo @ 1.20 GHz / 4GB RAM) |
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in systemsettings under phonon there's a backend tab, what backend is highlighted? There are VLC, gstreamer and xine backends that can be used, if they are not listed check your repositories and install and try them
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to see what hardware is installed run kinfocenter, you sound card if installed will show under "sound" and below thie line "card config"
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Thanks for the reply. I have only xine listed under the Backend tab. Can that be an issue? Do you recommend that I try VLC and/or gstreamer?
Kubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) 64-bit / KDE 4.8.1
Work: Dell Precision T5500 (Xeon E5506 @ 2.13 GHz x 2 / 12GB RAM) Home: Panasonic Toughbook W8 (Core 2 Duo @ 1.20 GHz / 4GB RAM) |
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I'm using VLC, somewhere I read it was the preferred (but can't remember by whom or why).
Versions of the phonon backends matter, the more current the better playback see this post viewtopic.php?f=115&t=93039&p=187164&hilit=phonon+vlc#p186972 for guidance |
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Hi again. I installed VLC by running the following command.
It installed VLC and a bunch of other packages. However, VLC still does not show up on the Backend list. I _am_ able to run VLC as a standalone app, but the sound isn't any better. The vocal is barely audible. I think it's more to do with the fact that my Kubuntu doesn't list my sound card as an audio device. I looked at KInfoCenter. Under Device Information --> Device Viewer, I have an entry called "Audio Interfaces," which includes "STAC92xx Analog ALSA Playback Device." Can that be my sound card? Still does not show up under the "Device Preferences" tab, though...
Kubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) 64-bit / KDE 4.8.1
Work: Dell Precision T5500 (Xeon E5506 @ 2.13 GHz x 2 / 12GB RAM) Home: Panasonic Toughbook W8 (Core 2 Duo @ 1.20 GHz / 4GB RAM) |
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you need the phonon-vlc package, might be distributed separate from the vlc application - in Kububtu it's phonon-backend-vlc http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite ... ackend-vlc
I would think you didn't have a separate sound card as most Dell (and HP, etc..) systems ship with integrated sound on the motherboard, you can tell by looking at the back of the pc as your sound connectors will be in one of the pci slots if separate |
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I feel EXTREMELY stupid... It turned out that my headphones had a "stereo-plus-mic" jack, which caused the sound problem when it was plugged all the way in. If I left it halfway in, the sound came out perfectly! I found that out after I tried a co-worker's headphones, which had a standard stereo jack. Since his worked with my Dell just fine, we compared the jacks. It was then that I realized that mine had an extra "ring" that must be for the mic. Sorry I have wasted your time. Sounds works great now. I'll still try phonon-vlc. ![]()
Kubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) 64-bit / KDE 4.8.1
Work: Dell Precision T5500 (Xeon E5506 @ 2.13 GHz x 2 / 12GB RAM) Home: Panasonic Toughbook W8 (Core 2 Duo @ 1.20 GHz / 4GB RAM) |
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