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Changing printing layout

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Changing printing layout

Wed May 16, 2012 8:00 pm

I also sent this to the mailing list, cross posting it here. o)

I've been trying all sorts of things even another distro just to see if it was Arch related (my distro of choice).

I use Tellico for my comic (strip) collection. I would like to have a print out sorted bij serie and then (issue)number. So need to change the layout but it doesn't matter what I change in "$KDEDIR/share/apps/tellico/tellico-printing.xsl" notting happens when I print it.
The layout stays the same.

Same goes for the reporting tool.

There is nothing in my $KDEHOME/share/apps/tellico/ And even if I put the xls file there nothing happens.

Any help is appreciated.


KDE Developer

Re: Changing printing layout  Topic is solved

Thu May 17, 2012 4:37 am
mivaho wrote:I've been trying all sorts of things even another distro just to see if it was Arch related (my distro of choice).

I use Tellico for my comic (strip) collection. I would like to have a print out sorted bij serie and then (issue)number. So need to change the layout but it doesn't matter what I change in "$KDEDIR/share/apps/tellico/tellico-printing.xsl" notting happens when I print it.
The layout stays the same.

Same goes for the reporting tool.

There is nothing in my $KDEHOME/share/apps/tellico/ And even if I put the xls file there nothing happens.
You're looking in the right places. You can confirm which file Tellico is using with
Code: Select all
kde4-config --path data --locate tellico/tellico-printing.xsl
The sorting is actually done by Tellico before it passes the data to the XSL file. You should be able to click on the issue number column, then click the series column, and then the print should be in the same order you see in the window.

That said, the tellico-printing.xsl file is rather complex. I"m assuming you're putting xsl:sort statements below the xsl:for-each for the entries? That path for the output is used if the entries are not being grouped, which is one of the options in the print dialog.

Does that help?
Registered Member

Re: Changing printing layout

Thu May 17, 2012 1:47 pm
Hi Robby,

I replied to your message in the mailinglist but I'll answer here also. :)

> You should be able to click on the issue number column, then
> click the series column, and then the print should be in the same order
> you see in the window.

I had to do some tweaking and trying but in the end I got some result. Can't say it's user friendly or even intuitive.

The sorting is done strictly so I'll have to go and ad zero's in front of the 1 to 9 issues so I'll see them at the top.

> That said, the tellico-printing.xsl file is rather complex. I"m assuming
> you're putting xsl:sort statements below the xsl:for-each for the
> entries? That path for the output is used if the entries are not being
> grouped, which is one of the options in the print dialog.

I was now where near that I think. There is a part at the top of that file with the line:

<xsl:param name="column-names" select="'title'"/>

Above it it says that you should put the field names in there. That was what I was doing.

> Does that help?

You pointed me in the right place. At least I can get a issue sorted list now :)

> Robby

Thnx, Robby.



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