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question about tellico

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question about tellico

Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:40 pm
Hello, first of all I find your software excellent and I would like to use it to manage a small library by volunteers in France.

I have started to test it and it is perfect to manage a personal collection but some features are missing to answer our needs of the collective library:

1 - import from a UNIMARC file provided by a departmental library (it lends us 300 books and we lend them to our members; I can provide you with an example of the file) - it should be quite similar to z39.50

2 - the management of the members / loans is too succinct in the software because we should be able to store the member number / name / first name / address / email / phone

3 - management / search with a handheld scanner for codebarre (internal number) or isbn to lend the document

Do you think you will integrate these functionalities in the near future or do they not correspond to the purpose of the software?

I thank you in advance for your answer

KDE Developer

Re: question about tellico  Topic is solved

Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:37 am
meteos wrote:1 - import from a UNIMARC file provided by a departmental library (it lends us 300 books and we lend them to our members; I can provide you with an example of the file) - it should be quite similar to z39.50

Tellico does already have an internal UNIMARC converter for the z39.50 interface. If you want to email your specific file to me, please feel free to do that and I'll verify it works and add an import command for MARC.
meteos wrote:2 - the management of the members / loans is too succinct in the software because we should be able to store the member number / name / first name / address / email / phone

That one may be a bit too much for Tellico. Right now it's set to just have a borrower's name, as you see. Having that name in a separate spreadsheet or database may be the only thing I can suggest.
meteos wrote:3 - management / search with a handheld scanner for codebarre (internal number) or isbn to lend the document

Depending on how your scanner operates, it may just send text to the search field, in which case it would work for you already. Just a multi-step process, though, scan the ISBN to filter to a single book, then check that book out.


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