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dbus crash with Tellico search

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dbus crash with Tellico search

Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:03 pm

First happy new year 2023

I'm running tellico from master-296c7e7b (same issue on 3.4.4) on Windows 11. When doing internet search it takes seconds to display results. If I run dbus-daemon with vsd I can see:
Code: Select all
> vsd bin\dbus-daemon --session --vsd-all
bin\dbus-daemon "--session"
bin\dbus-daemon "--session"
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\dbus-daemon.exe (13584)
dbus-daemon[13584]: info: [session pid=13584 sid=S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353] Activating service name='org.kde.kcookiejar5' requested by ':1.0' (pid=12900 comm="" sid="S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353-4063646335-2738")
dbus-daemon[13584]: info: [session pid=13584 sid=S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353] Failed to activate service org.kde.kcookiejar5: Failed to spawn child: Unable to start 'org.kde.kcookiejar5' with arguments 'kded5': Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable.
dbus-daemon[13584]: error: arguments to dbus_message_iter_append_basic() were incorrect, assertion "_dbus_check_is_valid_utf8 (*string_p)" failed in file C:\_\e94e6c2d\dbus-1.14.4\dbus\dbus-message.c line 2771.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.

Is this is an issue with tellico or dbus ?


Last edited by mod on Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
KDE Developer

Re: dbus crash with Tellico search

Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:14 am
mod wrote:Hi,

First happy new year 2023

I'm running tellico from master-296c7e7b (same issue on 3.4.4) on Windows 11. When doing internet search it takes seconds to display results. If I run dbus-daemon with vsd I can see:
Code: Select all
> vsd bin\dbus-daemon --session --vsd-all
bin\dbus-daemon "--session"
bin\dbus-daemon "--session"
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\dbus-daemon.exe (13584)
dbus-daemon[13584]: info: [session pid=13584 sid=S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353-4063646335-2738] Activating service name='org.kde.kcookiejar5' requested by ':1.0' (pid=12900 comm="" sid="S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353-4063646335-2738")
dbus-daemon[13584]: info: [session pid=13584 sid=S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353-4063646335-2738] Failed to activate service org.kde.kcookiejar5: Failed to spawn child: Unable to start 'org.kde.kcookiejar5' with arguments 'kded5': Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable.
dbus-daemon[13584]: error: arguments to dbus_message_iter_append_basic() were incorrect, assertion "_dbus_check_is_valid_utf8 (*string_p)" failed in file C:\_\e94e6c2d\dbus-1.14.4\dbus\dbus-message.c line 2771.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.

Is this is an issue with tellico or dbus ?

The output makes it seem like there's a potential wait trying to open the kccokiejar interface. Do you know if that is installed? Is the issue the delay in displaying results or is there something else?
Registered Member

Re: dbus crash with Tellico search

Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:18 pm

kcookiejar is installed from kio package

Code: Select all
PS C:\CR\CraftRoot> craft --print-files kio | Select-String -Pattern kcookiejar
Craft               : C:\CR\CraftRoot
Version             : master
ABI                 : windows-cl-msvc2019-x86_64
Download directory  : C:\CR\CraftRoot\download


This parts:
Code: Select all
dbus-daemon[1676]: info: [session pid=1676 sid=S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353] Activating service name='org.kde.kcookiejar5' requested by ':1.1' (pid=13212 comm="" sid="S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353-4063646335-2738")
dbus-daemon[1676]: info: [session pid=1676 sid=S-1-5-21-2427404782-1571209353] Failed to activate service org.kde.kcookiejar5: Failed to spawn child: Unable to start 'org.kde.kcookiejar5' with arguments 'kded5': Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable.

Le fichier sp�cifi� est introuvable
meeans kded5 is not found. Indeed kded5 is disabled on Windows ... 8ba51bf9b5
I do not know if it's really needed for tellico.

Now if I try again, search does not works anymore before it was slow but with results

Code: Select all
PS C:\CR\CraftRoot> vsd tellico --vsd-all
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\tellico.exe (15384)
tellico(15384): kf.crash: Could not find drkonqi in search paths: ("C:/CR/CraftRoot/bin", "C:/CR/CraftRoot/bin", "C:/Craft/BC/windows-msvc2019_64-cl/bin")
tellico(15384): kf.config.core: Use of KConfigWatcher without DBus support. You will not receive updates
tellico(15384): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot/resources. Trying parent directory...
tellico(15384): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot. Trying application directory...
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\QtWebEngineProcess.exe (13824)
tellico(15384): kf.iconthemes: Icon theme "breeze" not found.
QtWebEngineProcess(13824): SetProcessDPIAwareness failed. (Accès refusé.)
QtWebEngineProcess(13824): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot/resources. Trying parent directory...
QtWebEngineProcess(13824): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot. Trying application directory...
tellico(15384): mincore\com\oleaut32\dispatch\ups.cpp(2126)\OLEAUT32.dll!00007FFDE4FE469C: (caller: 00007FFDE4FE498A) ReturnHr(1) tid(1ee4) 8002801D Bibliothèque non inscrite.
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\QtWebEngineProcess.exe (8696)
tellico(15384): kf.service.sycoca: Opening ksycoca from "C:/Users/gitdevmod/AppData/Local/cache/ksycoca5_fr_5JZwSmlQ2geixTW23EZJ5ltMn2o="
tellico(15384): query for mimeType "image/png" returning 0 offers
QtWebEngineProcess(8696): SetProcessDPIAwareness failed. (Accès refusé.)
QtWebEngineProcess(8696): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot/resources. Trying parent directory...
QtWebEngineProcess(8696): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot. Trying application directory...
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: isIconOld "C:/Users/gitdevmod/AppData/Local/cache/favicons/" ?
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: existing icon not old, reload not requested -> doing nothing
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: isIconOld "C:/Users/gitdevmod/AppData/Local/cache/favicons/" ?
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: existing icon not old, reload not requested -> doing nothing
Process Stopped: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\QtWebEngineProcess.exe (8696) With exit Code: 0 After: 0:0:0:272
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\QtWebEngineProcess.exe (11260)
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: isIconOld "C:/Users/gitdevmod/AppData/Local/cache/favicons/" ?
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: existing icon not old, reload not requested -> doing nothing
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: isIconOld "C:/Users/gitdevmod/AppData/Local/cache/favicons/" ?
tellico(15384): kf.kio.gui.favicons: existing icon not old, reload not requested -> doing nothing
QtWebEngineProcess(11260): SetProcessDPIAwareness failed. (Accès refusé.)
QtWebEngineProcess(11260): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot/resources. Trying parent directory...
QtWebEngineProcess(11260): Qt WebEngine resources not found at C:/CR/CraftRoot. Trying application directory...
tellico(15384): kf.coreaddons: Checking for plugins in ("C:/CR/CraftRoot/bin/kf5/kio", "C:/CR/CraftRoot/plugins/kf5/kio")
tellico(15384): kf.kio.core: "C:/CR/CraftRoot/plugins/kf5/kio/kio_file.dll" supports protocols ("file")
tellico(15384): kf.kio.core: "C:/CR/CraftRoot/plugins/kf5/kio/kio_ftp.dll" supports protocols ("ftp")
tellico(15384): kf.kio.core: "C:/CR/CraftRoot/plugins/kf5/kio/kio_http.dll" supports protocols ("http", "https", "webdav", "webdavs")
tellico(15384): kf.kio.core: "C:/CR/CraftRoot/plugins/kf5/kio/kio_remote.dll" supports protocols ("remote")
tellico(15384): kf.kio.core: "C:/CR/CraftRoot/plugins/kf5/kio/kio_trash.dll" supports protocols ("trash")
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\kioslave5.exe (13212)
Process Created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe (10204)
conhost(10204): onecore\windows\core\console\open\src\interactivity\win32\systemconfigurationprovider.cpp(194)\conhost.exe!00007FF7E1AC2F6F: (caller: 00007FF7E1AB4DB4) LogHr(1) tid(32a0) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
kioslave5(13212): kf.crash: Could not find drkonqi in search paths: ("C:/CR/CraftRoot/bin", "C:/CR/CraftRoot/bin", "C:/Craft/BC/windows-msvc2019_64-cl/bin")
kioslave5(13212): onecore\net\netprofiles\service\src\nsp\dll\namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(550)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFDB369D93D: (caller: 00007FFDE4C6ACF6) LogHr(1) tid(2508) 8007277C Ce service n’est pas connu. Impossible de trouver le service dans l’espace nom spécifié.
kioslave5(13212): onecore\net\netprofiles\service\src\nsp\dll\namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(550)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFDB369D93D: (caller: 00007FFDE4C6ACF6) LogHr(2) tid(2508) 8007277C Ce service n’est pas connu. Impossible de trouver le service dans l’espace nom spécifié.
tellico(15384): kf.kio.core: killing worker process pid 13212 ( "" )
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\kioslave5.exe (7712)
Process Created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe (15964)
conhost(15964): onecore\windows\core\console\open\src\interactivity\win32\systemconfigurationprovider.cpp(194)\conhost.exe!00007FF7E1AC2F6F: (caller: 00007FF7E1AB4DB4) LogHr(1) tid(1c94) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
kioslave5(7712): kf.crash: Could not find drkonqi in search paths: ("C:/CR/CraftRoot/bin", "C:/CR/CraftRoot/bin", "C:/Craft/BC/windows-msvc2019_64-cl/bin")
kioslave5(7712): onecore\net\netprofiles\service\src\nsp\dll\namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(550)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFDB369D93D: (caller: 00007FFDE4C6ACF6) LogHr(1) tid(372c) 8007277C Ce service n’est pas connu. Impossible de trouver le service dans l’espace nom spécifié.
kioslave5(7712): onecore\net\netprofiles\service\src\nsp\dll\namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(550)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFDB369D93D: (caller: 00007FFDE4C6ACF6) LogHr(2) tid(372c) 8007277C Ce service n’est pas connu. Impossible de trouver le service dans l’espace nom spécifié.
Process Created: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\dbus-daemon.exe (11952)
Process Created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe (3300)
conhost(3300): onecore\windows\core\console\open\src\interactivity\win32\systemconfigurationprovider.cpp(194)\conhost.exe!00007FF7E1AC2F6F: (caller: 00007FF7E1AB4DB4) LogHr(1) tid(3d88) 80004005 Erreur non spécifiée
Process Stopped: C:\CR\CraftRoot\bin\dbus-daemon.exe (11952) Error: Unhandled Exception: -1073740791 at address 0x7ffde387f61e in "C:\\Windows\\System32\\ucrtbase.dll" loaded at base address 0x7ffde3800000
 With exit Code: 0xc0000409 After: 0:0:3:939
conhost(3300): onecore\windows\core\console\open\src\server\condrvdevicecomm.cpp(149)\conhost.exe!00007FF7E1AC64B3: (caller: 00007FF7E1AB94A6) ReturnHr(1) tid(3d88) 800700E9 Il n’y a pas de processus à l’autre extrémité du canal.
Process Stopped: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe (3300) With exit Code: 0 After: 0:0:3:960
Registered Member

Re: dbus crash with Tellico search

Sun Jan 08, 2023 7:52 pm

I found origin of the problem. Kded is missing. I forced installation of kded and it works. I do not know why it was marked not for Windows.
I asked here ... 8ba51bf9b5



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