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Is it possible to introduce math equations with LaTeX?

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Hi everyone,

I almost fell in love yesterday when I tried out Calligra for the first time ;D

However, there's an important issue preventing me from using it as my main office suite (I'm currently using LibreOffice): LaTeX math equations.
Under LibreOffice I render my equations with the help of the magnificent TexMaths plug-in. It allows me to typeset them in LaTeX, getting beautiful equations in my scientific documents.

Is it possible to introduce math equations in Calligra using an installed LaTeX distribution? Are there plans for it in the near future? Are there plans for supporting existing LibreOffice extensions such as TexMaths?

Other than that, I think Calligra is a great office suite. Well done!
KDE Developer
Thanks for you nice comments, and constructive suggestions. Even if it also comes across as the standard ploy: "I love it there is just one thing preventing me from using it" ;)

I doubt very much we will ever use OpenOfffice plugins. It's just generally not worth the hazzle to integrate. And maintain. OpenOffice (and LibreOffice too despite their improvements) is generally just very bad code not worth working with.

But regarding LaTeX you are halfway in luck. This year a Google Summer of Code student will work on our Formula plugin. It has been neglected for way too long so the first thing is to fix things. One main goal is to improve the rendering quality, and later it may be that he implements import of LaTeX (he has expressed interest, and I think all of Calligra would welcome it, but almost certainly not until after the summer)


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