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Karbon Kudos and some Quick Questions

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I hadn't looked at Karbon in a while, but just did, and am actually quite impressed with how many of the everyday features I use in Inkscape are now there. Blurring (via Effect Filters), clipping masks, alignment and distribution, colour swatches down below the canvas... Some things I actually find superior to Insckape such as the layer view docker, the way rotated objects can be scaled on their local axis, the integration of scaling, rotation and shearing into one mode/widget, more sane workflows (ie tools don't use function keys, double click to create a node rather than ctrl+alt+shift+click )... It's looking great!

There's just a couple of things that I don't know if they're missing or I just haven't found them in the UI yet...

  • A way of moving the rotation point for objects
  • How to click on a colour in the bar at the bottom and have it change the objects *outline* colour (ctrl+click in Inkscape)
  • Is there a secret to the stroke and fill docker (beyond having a filled shape selected)? I've pushed every button, they all look like thier function is pretty obvious, yet I don't see anything change.

Anyway, I'm seriously thinking of seeing if I can switch over from Inkscape to Karbon for my next few jobs... and I've been using Inkscape for years. (Yes I know it has other features but 99.999% of the time I don't use them). Anyway, many thanks to whoever is mainting Karbon these days. It's come a long way!
KDE Developer
* The rotation center can be set with the geometry docker to the corners or center.
* The color bar set what is selected in the stroke and fill docker.
* The effect is that the combobox next to the buttons changes and you can choose the style from there.


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