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Sound wird auf falschem Gerät ausgegeben

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Guten Tag,

ich habe ein Problem, das bisher unter GNOME nicht aufgetreten ist:

Wenn ich die Kopfhörer in meinem Desktop-PC einstecke, kommt der Sound aus dem Monitor. Wenn ich die Kopfhörer ausstecke, kommt überhaupt kein Sound.

Meine Sound-Einstellungen:

Das Gerät wird erkannt, allerdings nur als Input-Gerät (?). Die Kopfhörer sind "Eingebautes Tongerät Analog Stereo". "Nvidia Digital Stereo" ist mein Monitor. Allerdings kann ich die weder auswählen noch sonstwas machen.

Laut habe ich dann die
Code: Select all
geändert, so dass da:

Code: Select all
[Element Speaker]
switch = on
volume = ignore

... steht. Allerdings hat das weder was gutes noch was schlechtes getan. Hier noch mal meine ganze headphones.conf (sollte es daran liegen):

Code: Select all
# This file is part of PulseAudio.
# PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PulseAudio; if not, see <>.

; Path for mixers that have a 'Headphone' control
; See analog-output.conf.common for an explanation on the directives

priority = 90
description-key = analog-output-headphones

device.icon_name = audio-headphones

[Jack Dock Headphone]
required-any = any

[Jack Dock Headphone Phantom]
required-any = any
state.plugged = unknown
state.unplugged = unknown

[Jack Front Headphone]
required-any = any

[Jack Front Headphone Phantom]
required-any = any
state.plugged = unknown
state.unplugged = unknown

[Jack Headphone]
required-any = any

[Jack Headphone Phantom]
required-any = any
state.plugged = unknown
state.unplugged = unknown

# This jack can be either a headphone *or* a mic. Used on some ASUS netbooks.
[Jack Headphone Mic]
required-any = any

[Element Hardware Master]
switch = mute
volume = merge
override-map.1 = all
override-map.2 = all-left,all-right

[Element Master]
switch = mute
volume = merge
override-map.1 = all
override-map.2 = all-left,all-right

[Element Master Mono]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Speaker+LO]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Headphone+LO]
required-any = any
switch = mute
volume = merge
override-map.1 = all
override-map.2 = all-left,all-right

[Element Headphone]
required-any = any
switch = mute
volume = merge
override-map.1 = all
override-map.2 = all-left,all-right

[Element Headset]
required-any = any
switch = mute
volume = merge
override-map.1 = all
override-map.2 = all-left,all-right

[Element Line HP Swap]
switch = on
required-any = any

; This profile path is intended to control the first headphones, not
; the second headphones. But it should not hurt if we leave the second
; headphone jack enabled nonetheless.
[Element Headphone2]
switch = mute
volume = zero

[Element Speaker]
switch = on
volume = ignore

[Element Desktop Speaker]
switch = off
volume = off

; On some machines Front is actually a part of the Headphone path
[Element Front]
switch = mute
volume = zero

[Element Rear]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Surround]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Side]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Center]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element LFE]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Bass Speaker]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Speaker Front]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Speaker Surround]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Speaker Side]
switch = off
volume = off

[Element Speaker CLFE]
switch = off
volume = off
Registered Member

Das Soundsystem in Linuxen ist immer etwas verwirrend. Normalerweise sollte die Basis so aussehen: alsa -> pulseaudio -> phonon. Die Änderungen an Alsa müssen also nicht zwangsläufig etwas bewirken, wenn pa oder phonon andere Einstellungen haben.

Wie sieht es unter Systemeinstellungen - Multimedia - Lautstärke aus? (frei übersetzt,kann anders heissen). Dort gibt es unter "Erweitert" die Möglichkeit alle Streams automatisch auf den neuen Ausgang zu wechseln. Dies sollte aktiv sein.

Zusätzlich kann man unter Phonon (nennt sich Audio and Video) weitere Einstellungen für die einzelnen Medientypen definieren. Eine weitere Möglichkeit wäre mittels "pavucontrol" die dortigen Einstellungen des pulseaudio-Servers zu ändern.

Falls es nicht klappt, bitte nochmal Bescheid schreiben, welches System du benutzt. Dann kann man danach spezifisch gucken. (also arch, ubuntu, suse, debian, mint, ...)


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