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KDEGames 4.2 review

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KDEGames 4.2 review

Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:49 pm
Dear readers,

Please post all and any of your comments regarding the current state of KDEGames under this thread.

We are the most interested to know the following:
[1] functionality (start, playability);
[2] performance (speed, responsiveness);
[3] appearance and GUI (menus, consistency, graphics, translatability);
[4] documentation (readability, completeness. translatability);

When posting your comments here please use the numbers above as a reference.
To tell us you found that the menu structure in Kmines is not good, you should write the following:
The GUI structure is wrong because having XXX sub menu under YYY menu group doesn't make sense, besides all other games have it under ZZZ group.

The purpose of this review is to identify all the 'MUST FIX' bugs before 4.2 as well as to find out what YOU have to say about our games.

Thank you for your help.

Graphics and Design
KDEGames module
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RE: KDEGames 4.2 review

Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:10 pm
Okay I'll bite...Kpatience.
While I haven't played all the variations yet what I have played (Klondike and Spider) have been good. The performance is good, but not as good as the 3.5.x version (a bit slow if you ask me). But the appearance makes up for the slight performance hit, and the documentation seems to be pretty good. There is however one glaring caveat.
In Spider when I select a one suit (easy) game the first stack turns upside down! I'm a self confessed spider solitaire addict and the Kpat version is my favorite... Way better than Microsoft's version. BTW I am using Kpat v3.0 under KDE 4.1.85 (KDE 4.2 beta2) on Fedora 10

Last edited by lindy on Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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