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Cantor LaTeX output with Maxima backend not working

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Stefano Crocco
Registered Member
Hello to everyone,
I'm having an issue with the LaTeX output from the Maxima backend in Cantor. Enabling it doesn't display the expected output, but just a black rectangle with coloured pixels. It used to work at least until the beginning of last summer. Some months later, when I next used Cantor, it didn't work anymore. The same happened on my laptop; however, reinstalling the system (but keeping the home directory unchanged) fixed the issue. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling all the LaTeX related packages I could find (by the way, I'm on Gentoo) but it didn't help.

Running Cantor from a terminal, I get the following output which seems related to this issue:
Code: Select all
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): converting to eps:  "/usr/bin/dvips" -E -o "/tmp/cantor_46d57d31_bee1_4f43_a09d_736a5770f917.eps" "/tmp/cantor_46d57d31_bee1_4f43_a09d_736a5770f917.dvi"
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): remove temporary files for  "/tmp/cantor_tex-bccTME.tex"
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): rendered a result to  "/tmp/cantor_46d57d31_bee1_4f43_a09d_736a5770f917.eps"
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): setting result to a type  7  result
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): update Entry
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): rendering eps file:  QUrl("file:///tmp/cantor_46d57d31_bee1_4f43_a09d_736a5770f917.eps")
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): scale:  1.8
cantor - debug(from unknown:0): dimension:  84.6 x 21.6
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
(libspectre) ghostscript reports: fatal internal error -100cantor - debug(from unknown:0): QUrl("internal:0a18327a_6506_4206_8bc1_213d75eab65d")

I tried opening the mentioned eps file with Okular and I got this error message:
Code: Select all
(libspectre) ghostscript reports: fatal internal error -100okular - warning(from unknown:0): Generated image does not match wanted size: [0x0] vs requested [1598x407]
okular - warning(from unknown:0): QImage::scaled: Image is a null image

However, I can open the file correctly using gs.

Does anyone have an idea about what could be causing this issue? I tried reporting a bug in the Gentoo bug tracker but they told me to report upstream. I think this is more a problem with my system than a bug in Cantor.

Thanks in advance



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