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Did the "Show:" drop-down selection just change?

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I'm using Skrooge 1.9.0, and the "Show:" drop-down used to give a choice of accounts to show, and a selection of date ranges and checked status. It was possible to hide checked operations over 1 month or 3 months old. Although I would have liked to have been able to select a more specific age, this worked good enough for me.

But now I've upgraded my Kubuntu from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS, KDE is now 4.13.3 and the corresponding Skrooge build of 1.9.0.

Before, I could see a manageable amount of historical transactions -- old reconciled transactions hidden -- but un-reconciled ones would still show. In most cases, these old, un-reconciled operations were uncashed (outstanding) checks that I had written to chronic procrastinators. These were rather few -- most people want their money promptly -- but since these could be presented for payment at any future time, it was nice that they weren't hidden.

Now, I can select a wide variety of date ranges, but I can't quite replicate what I'd used before "hide checked operations older than 1 month":
    I can hide all checked operations without selecting a date range (selecting "All Dates"), and that will show future transaction (as before) but no historical checked operations at all.
    I can hide all checked operations for a given date range (e.g. Previous 3 months) and not see any future operations, or any past operations except unchecked. This will usually show only one or two outstanding checks I've written in the date range-- no future operations. If I do that right now (The 13th of October), with several un-reconciled operations from the last week and one outstanding check from August, I'll see the check that I wrote in August and nothing else. No future operations, and not the operations from last week (still October) that I haven't reconciled. Same result if I select Previous 90 days).
    I can leave "hide pointed" and "hide checked" un-checked and select date range "Previous 3 months" and only see reconciled transactions from July, August and September. I don't see any past un-reconciled transactions ,nor any reconciled transactions from earlier in October, nor any future transactions at all. "Previous 90 Days" gives the same result.
"Hide checked operations" for range "All Dates" seems to be the best option from these I've found for my purposes. That shows all old un-reconciled operations, ancient and recent, plus future operations.

What should I do to replicate what I'd done before: show all future operations, a certain amount of old operations of all checked states (like one month), and all old unchecked operations (from all time)?

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I did a correction for that.
You will have it in next version (1.10.0).


Skrooge, a personal finances manager powered by KDE
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In Skrooge 1.10.0, I can almost see the behavior I was looking for (display all future transactions plus past transactions for past 30 days and any un-reconciled operations for all time) by selecting filter "Last 30 days" and checking the "Including Future" box. The one thing I'm still missing is the un-reconciled transactions. Maybe I haven't quite figured out the nuances of the "Hide Checked" box in conjunction with a date range. I'd really like to be able to keep tabs on those outstanding checks I've written (unchecked operations) no matter how old they are while still hiding the rest of the historical data over N days/months/etc. old. AFAIK, my bank would honor those old checks forever, (possibly even if I were to close my account!) so keeping track of those is important to me.


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