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Fast search: remarks

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Fast search: remarks

Sun May 31, 2015 10:00 am
The new fast search function is fine and very useful.

But, the search tab should be revamped IMHO.

Because there is two search edit fields: one on stored searchs and one for quick search.
It is confusing (the first times of course, after few manipulations, it is ok).

The other thing is that search open a new tab with sub-operations.
For quick try, it is annoying (gently annoying, not a big issue).
I suggest to simplify search tab:
- in quick search mode, just a edit field (with associated btns/helpers) and a advanced mode swap btn
and a result list that is filled when doing a search (no more opening tabs)
(and perhaps save search also that go to advanced mode)
- in advanced, same as current version: stored search list, open results in a new tab.

The last thing is the sub-operations displays on search.
As I understand, green lines are sub-operations. For a (main) operation, it could be only one sub-operation or multiple (in split case),
In case of a simple operation (with only one sub-operation), modifying this sub operation on search result tab go to strange results.
Currently, when I need to edit an operation in search, I double-click on sub-operation to open a new tab with only one operation !
On search result tab, I suggest to display operations and a tree with sub-operations when needed.
(a big challenge, hum ?)



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