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Hello to all of you.
I've been using Skrooge for a week now and I'm delighted. I have one difficulty though: I have three years of operations to add in the software and fatally, it will take time. As it is, I can't know where my account is. This is annoying because I don't know how long it will take me to enter and reconcile all the transactions since October 2020. So I would like to know if it is possible to show my account balance as of today's date which will allow me to manage my budget now. Thank you in advance.
Manjaro Linux x86-64, kernel 6.3.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.4, X.Org 21.1.8.
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Not absolutely sure if I understood what you want to do, but I can tell you what I did when I transferred my accounts to Skrooge many years ago.
For every 'live' account, I created a fake transaction with the current balance for that account on that day, so from that moment onwards I knew where my accounts where. Then, slowly and account by account, I replaced that fake transaction with the reality. Sometimes I replaced the fake transaction with a new fake one but for a previous date. Let's imagine I started with Skrooge on 2015-01-01, so I created for the account 'main current' a fake transaction dated on 2014-12-31 with the balance on that date. Then, I decided to introduce the full year 2014, so I created a new fake transaction dated on 2013-12-31 with the balance on that date, and replaced the original fake transaction with all the real ones for the year 2014. This way I was able to transfer all my accounts in an usable way from the beginning, and all the historical data slowly and with no rush. But always keeping the current balance right. I hope this helps. |
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Hello, JesusM.
Thank you for your answer. I didn't expect to get one so quickly although there was no rush as I had to wait until I was 50 to decide to use a bank account manager. Therefore, at the end of each entry session, I do a fake transaction based on my current balance. It's playable. Thanks again and have a nice day.
Manjaro Linux x86-64, kernel 6.3.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.4, X.Org 21.1.8.
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Finally, it does not work.
As you told me, I created a 2,692.02 debit transaction. I ended up with an amount of 236.55. I closed Skrooge. Then I ordered a Pizza to pay in cash. I wanted to see how it worked to add this type of payment into Skrooge (to see if it would charge me again for my purchase since my ATM withdrawal). So I opened Skrooge and the amount is now 887.90. However, only a 19.31 debit was added, as it was scheduled for today. Would you be so kind as to tell me what I did wrong and how to solve this so that I can see the current balance of my account? Thank you.
Manjaro Linux x86-64, kernel 6.3.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.4, X.Org 21.1.8.
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Ok, first of all you need to remember that cards, both credit and debit cards, need to be accounted differently.
You mention you made a ATM withdrawal. How did you model it in Skrooge? The, in my opinion, right way to do it is a transfer from your current account to your 'pocket or wallet' account. Then you can pay the pizza from your 'pocket account', not from the current one. But also, you say that you closed and opened Skrooge to see how it would handle it ... how do you add your transactions? manually or you import them directly from the Bank site? If the latest, the final result will depend on how the file you download is expressed. Did you check if new transactions were added? The imported file contains all transactions since always or only the new ones from the last time you imported it? |
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Okay, I hadn't thought of creating an "Allowance" account.
I will do that. I manually create a transaction where I add the order number, package number, delivery date, carrier name and invoice. Then I upload the OFX to my bank's website that I import. I point with CTRL + left click adding to the transaction created before the value date. For the imported operations not created before, I select the operation, I click on add. I then complete the copy and I modify the date so that it corresponds to the creation date and not to the value date. Once the copy is edited, I delete the imported operation. That's it.
Manjaro Linux x86-64, kernel 6.3.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.4, X.Org 21.1.8.
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maybe because I don't use any bank file and always add manually my transactions, I am not sure I understand the logic of this:
Why do you manually create the operation (in Skrooge?) and then upload it to the bank? What happens if you just create the transactions in Skrooge, specially those that are not directly linked to the bank account (like cash payments)? |
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Hello, JesusM.
I can't remember all the transactions in my bank account for the last three years. So I need to retrieve this information. There are three choices, I go to my bank's website and check off my transactions, I download the OFX and add it to Skrooge or I pull up my bank statements received by regular mail. My bank's website logs me out after a few minutes. I can cancel this disconnection only once. Therefore, this solution is not feasible. I switched to digital documents with my bank to access my insurance communications (yes, I made the mistake of having all my eggs in one basket). In doing so, I no longer receive bank statements. Today, I only have two out of four. So I am left with the option of OFX. If you know of another solution, I am open. For the few operations, not linked with my bank account, you told me to create a "Pocket Money" account in Skrooge. If I'm off the mark, please don't hold it against me, as I'm doing the best I can with the cognitive impairment I have. I thank you for helping a novice in digital account management.
Manjaro Linux x86-64, kernel 6.3.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.4, X.Org 21.1.8.
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I understood you were adding to that OFX file the new transactions. To add to Skrooge the all transactions, of course you need to import them from a file.
What I did ... I downloaded the transactions from the bank once, at the beginning of using Skrooge, and imported into it. From that moment onwards, I add manually the transactions when they happen, and with the monthly statement, I point and reconcile them, adding whatever transaction I might have forgotten. So, in this case, it's true that sometimes importing transactions from the OFX file into Skrooge is easier to say than to do it, and the final balance is not the right one, but you can fix it manually backwards, over time, and now simply add a fake transaction to make sure that today's balance is the right one. If from today, and with the right balance, you start adding all your new transactions, the balance shown in Skrooge should match your bank's.
This is a suggestion and what I do to handle cash payments, as they (almost) never reflect exactly with a Bank transaction. So when you make an ATM withdraw you transfer that money to your pocket or wallet, and when you pay with cash, you add the transaction to the cash account. In the end, the balance in the cash account should match what you have in your pocket (but this never happens, I surely have a hole in my pocket ![]()
My only concern is whether I am able to help, not if you are able to understand, no worries. |
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In fact, the OFX file only contains transactions from March 1, 2022 to today, while the account was created on October 1, 2020.
Also, the transactions listed on the website also start on March 1, 2022. So I have to use the paper statements at least until March of last year. I deleted yesterday's balance control transaction and created a new one for today and the balance listed by Skrooge matches. No balance error like yesterday. This way I can quietly add the transactions and take the time to do it right without worrying and no matter how long it takes. So, you have helped me and I thank you. Good day to you in all your occupations.
Manjaro Linux x86-64, kernel 6.3.0, KDE Plasma 5.27.4, X.Org 21.1.8.
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