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Idea - Prev / Next image shortcut REGARDLESS of zoom

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I'm using Gnome but there are quite a few KDE apps I do use, especially media related. Gwenview IMO is the best image viewer on Linux with 1 tiny, yet slightly annoying thing.

Essentially I would like for there to be shortcuts called something along the lines of "Prev / Next Image (absolute)", which allows you to go to the previous or next image without having to "zoom to fit" first.

There are "Previous" / "Next" shortcuts in the View section in settings, but when I map those to the left and right arrows, I'm no longer longer able to go left and right in the file explorer when there are sub-folders present. Interestingly, if there are no folders - just photos / videos etc., it works just fine.

My keyboard layout is very heavily focused on the bottom left portion of the keyboard. Here are the main shortcuts:

Image view:
Left & Right arrow = switch image (must be zoomed out first) (the built in thing)
Up & Down arrow = zoom in / out
/ = zoom to fit
\ = browse

All arrows = highlight items

(and of course backspace to go back both in image view and the browser)

I'm using the flatpak version, and could also provide all my settings if needed.


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