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Kjots notes backup

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Kjots notes backup

Mon May 21, 2012 8:34 pm
That cr*p called Akonadi has (again) decided that I don't need my data (this last time it has been the notes I have been saving during several years) anymore so better to delete all of them. When that curse Akonadi is has deleted my mails there haven't been many troubles because I keep a copy of each message in my mail server, but with the notes it's much more unforgivable.
So, I'd like to know if there's any backup file or something like that so I can recover my notes and import them in some applicacion that works before I uninstall KDEPIM forever.

Thanks and regards.
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Re: Kjots notes backup

Tue May 22, 2012 4:13 am
At least if you have used KJots before it migrated to Akonadi, you may find some old *.book files here:
Code: Select all

You can open these files with any plain text editor (they are XML) if you just need to remember some information quickly. If you want to import the files to KJots, try running this:
Code: Select all
kjotsmigrator --interactive
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Re: Kjots notes backup

Tue May 22, 2012 4:16 am
Hmm, I just tried to run KJots (I've used it for notes earlier) and remembered why I stopped using it. >:( It showed no notes for me.

But then I tried to run akonaditray, opened the resources list and double-clicked all disabled resources. After that, KJots showed some information for me. Maybe this will help you, too.
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Re: Kjots notes backup

Tue May 22, 2012 10:28 pm
Thank you, Greatperson, but there's no hope >:( . Besides, I've discovered that Akonadi has also deleted all the files under ~/.local/share/contacts. What an incredibly f*cking sh*t of software!

I wonder why developers, knowing all the criticism Akonadi receives release after release due to its disastrous functioning, didn't ever thought that could be a good idea to do backups of something as valuable as the users' personal data. Damn, even a program that never fails, like Firefox, backs up user's bookmarks periodically, just in case; did they really never thought «Hey, let's admit it, Akonadi sucks, we know it and still we are forcing people who had been using Kontact for years without any problem, to use it or forget about their favorite PIM suite forever, perhaps we should make Akonadi to do backups from time to time»?...
Ok, past water doesn't move the mill. The disaster could had been worse, but my contacts are also stored in my phone and recently copied to an external disk, I also have a backup of .local/share/notes from some months ago. I guess I just have lost around a 20% of my notes and the editions I had done to older notes.

People, if you value your data believe me, DON'T EVER USE ANY AKONADI DEPENDANT PROGRAM. Don't trust A. just for the reason that perhaps in the last 3 months you haven't had any problem with it, sooner or later you shall regret for having trusted. Better use Trojitá even if it's still so green and tiny or something that doesn't decide that any change in the database needs a deletion without any confirmation from your side.

So, thank you, devs, after some time seeing KDE still having too many fails for an almost 4 year old project, and beginning to doubt if choosing reliability instead innovation, you have convinced me and I'll fall into GTK's clutches. Thank you for doing such a «great» job with Konqueror 4 and Kopete, and let's not forget about the inutile Nepomuk, that finds whatever it wants whenever it wants, nor the frecuent arbitrary error messages after closing some window, nor the Dolphin crashes and other bugs that have been reported a dozen times and still are unresolved 4 years later... Hello Gnome & Thunderbird. I don't like them and it isn't the best moment for switching to Gnome but ¡THEY WORK!

Continue writing eyecandy and flourish for KDE4, dear developers, that's the important stuff; who gives a damn about not having a working PIM suite, a browser (Rekonq? What a bad tasted joke, even the young Qupzilla crashes less!), a complete messenger (yes, seeing when new mails arrive, or file transferences are good things, dear devs) & cetera...

I'm deleting my profile here (so not going to participate in any possible discussion about this issue) and quiting donating a single cent from now, sorry, and I encourage all the KDE donors who have experienced important problems (I remark «important» because I know ALL of KDE users experience annoying problems frecuently that we excuse and try to convince ourselves are peccata minuta compared to Windows' ones) to do the same, I don't think users should pay for seeing how the DE they try to economically support destroys their data.

Good bye.
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Re: Kjots notes backup

Tue May 22, 2012 10:49 pm
Well, this is incredible. I cant even delete my account in FKO!, xDD
FOSS... That F is for «free» or for «fascist»? Unilateral decisions from the developers, «imprisonment» in forums... what's going to be the next one? xD

Oki, sarcasm appart, could somebody tell me where the hell is the option to delete my account?

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Re: Kjots notes backup

Tue May 22, 2012 11:21 pm
In can really understand your rage in this case, but please keep in mind that the people who wrote this software didn't choose to make it buggy or something. It just happened, and I'm sure they know it and they're working hard on fixing the issues. Posts like yours don't really help in keeping a developer motivated in his project, and after all this is the most important thing for getting bugs fixed in open source software.

Also, although this probably sounds a bit smart-alec: Even if you really trust the software you use, when collecting valuable data for years you should really make a backup yourself, at least every few months. I do this too, if only because I fear that some day, my hard drive might suddenly fail, and that's indeed not very likely.


I'm working on the KDevelop IDE.
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Re: Kjots notes backup

Wed May 23, 2012 7:27 am
As a general note, Akonadi is definitely not supposed to delete your data. PIM is one of the regions of KDE which is currently underloved in terms of development power unfortunately.

With regards to Forum accounts, it is not possible to have them deleted as a matter of policy, as that would require deleting all your posts as well - which would break up the flow of topics and hinder future searchers.

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Re: Kjots notes backup

Wed May 23, 2012 2:32 pm
Sven, I know developers don't try to do things buggy on purpose, I should hope not! But things are just being done badly, I don't know if due to scarce manpower, to duplication of efforts because of the DE ecosystem fragmentation, or what, for me, as an user, doesn't mind.
I also know post like mine aren't very motivational, but I don't try to motivate anyone, just express my frustration and my conviction that KDE 4 has been a complete failure; and I discused sooo much with some friends who blamed it and said they would stick to KDE 3.5 or switch to Gnome, but I must, sadly, admit they were right. So many good ideas in KDE 4, so many new exciting things and concepts; everything wonderful... if it just worked (even Find and Locate do a better job than Nepomuk)... But 4 years later, and putting appart my problem with Kontact, there are still many bugs, most aren't too severe, but still unacceptable if you use your computer to work or not, but still want your desktop to be stable, efficient and reliable.
I don't even dare to dream of Linux desktops and desktop apps being half as efficient, solid, and reliable as console apps or the OS itself, but seriously, imagine that Windows had half the bugs KDE 4 has; how many thousands of websites, blogs, comments in forums making fun and criticizing Windows there would be... But we, KDE users, try to minimize KDE failures and deficiencies; when we show it to some friend trying to «evangelize» them and there's some crash in front of their eyes we try to justify it with some round-about excuse. And then we go from time to time and report bugs or feature requests only to see how many of them remain unresolved forever, or are ignored, or just rejected arguing some peregrine reason (anyone considers logical that Dolphin still hasn't somthing as basic as a browsing historial, horizontal window split or columns based on metadata categories like author, artist, and other categories Windows explorer had even in XP, 10 years ago?).
So, since, as you recommend, I had a backup of my notes, and I had a copy of my contacts list on my smartphone ergo the disaster wasn't as bad, my last issue with KDE has just been the straw that broke the camel's back. Enough headaches caused by KDE 4. I don't want more, sorry, and I don't mind about not being motivating.

Bcooksley, thanks for the info. Every forum I know allows users to delete their accounts without deleting their posts, but I'm not surprised KDE's one is so badly done that it's impossible, xD. Another example of KDE's world proficiency...

Ok, now the definitive goodbye.


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