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Problems with Kmail sending emails from wrong email address

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Hi, using kmail Version 4.13.3, KDE Development Platform 4.13.3, on kubuntu. I've been several possibly related problems with Kmail sending my email from the wrong email address (which has big security and anonymity implications for some people). I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me with this problem and to understand what's going on a bit better (before possibly possibly filing some bug reports).
[ I have to admit i don't entirely understand what an identity is - I suspect many beginners to Kmail don't understand this].

So: I have Kmail setup with several different email addresses and providers: Nick@gmail, nick@provider2, nick@provider3 (etc. - giving these as examples, obviously aren't actually my email addresses. In what I would imagine is the typical use case for many people I want to have sending/receiving acounts and identities for each of these associated with each other; nick@provider2 sends using that address and provider2's smtp and receives using provider2's imap, etc...

Problem 1) at some point I realised that when I sent emails from nick@provider2 (either using the send dropdown in the composer, or replying to emails to that account), at the receiver they gave the wrong account - they had sent from nick@gmail . I managed to fix this at first using some of the suggestions in this slackware forum post: ... es-833733/

Problem 2) On adding a new email address (nick@provider4) it is not immediately easy to associate sending/receiving accounts and identities together correctly. When I did this several problems appeared:
- kmail automatically made the new address, nick@provider4, the default sending account; and the default identity.
- kmail did not setup a new identity for nick@provider4
- the folder associated with nick@provider4 was not named ( it was simply imap account 4, rather than the default of nick@provider4 which i think should be the automatic choice)
- kmail had as serverside subscriptions for the folder set as trash and sent folders, but not the inbox (this may be specific to the server in question, it is certainly reproducible with that server, haven't tried it with any others

problem 3) I now have a specific problem with (at least) one account. Nick@gmail works fine, but often trying to send from nick@provider2 generally sends from nick@gmail (which is the default account, but it sends from this incorrectly even when i have set it from the dropdown in compose to send from another account). I say generally -but not always - replying to some emails to this account works fine; replying to others sends instead from nick@gmail .This problem persists despite having checked the suggestions made in the slackware posts about associating accounts / identities.

All of this has confused me a lot and is threatening to make kmail usable for me only for a single account, which would be sad as I think the program has a lot of good features. Anyone got any ideas?
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For sending mail, you can set the "default transport" in the identity configuration page: that means that mails sent with identity FOO will always use the SMTP server you specified there. Where it still doesn't work IMO is when using KOrganizer, which will always use the default mail transport (e.g. when sending ics files).

As for identity management, you can set per-account (at least for IMAP, under "Advanced" tab) and even per folder if need be: if you open the folder properties you'll notice (again in an Advanced tab) that you can set per-folder identity. Indeed KMail doesn't create a new identity for the mail server: you may want to create one in advance prior to creating the account (then set it as shown above).

I can tell this works (at least 90% of the time) myself, as I use 3 different accounts with different email addresses.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Plasma FAQ maintainer - Plasma programming with Python
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Hi Einar - thanks, the 'folder properties' settings seemed to be the immediate problem - not sure how this got set to a different identity, or why it was only applying that when replying to some emails from that folder (or when I sent a mail and went to the drop down for the identity I wanted, but it still sent from nick@gmail) - that seems to now be fixed!

I don't quite understand what Identity is supposed to mean or why this is separated from 'sending account'?

I guess maybe kmail should have an option to automatically create an identity when going through the account wizard ; also 90 % of the time is maybe not enough of the time for making sure it sends from the expected email address!

Thanks for your help,
Registered Member

So it seems I'm still having the same problem - specifically responding to one mailing list that is in the folder for nick@provider2...

When I reply to this (whether using reply to, reply to author, or reply to mailing list), it sends the reply from nick@gmail, seemingly even if I change the transport before sending the mails.

This is strange as it has no relation to the nick@gmail account and I don't think I ever changed settings relating to this mailing list...

I also have tried ticking 'folder contains mailing list' in the folder properties, and also setting a filter for the mailing list - set under check on send, and to send from the correct identity and sender - and it still sends incorrectly...

I'm a bit confused!
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Did you also set an identity for the specific folder?

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Plasma FAQ maintainer - Plasma programming with Python
Registered Member
I thought I had - just checked though and the inbox folder was set to gmail, the account folder set to other provider (as intended).

Strange as I definitely didn't set this to gmail.... I wonder how that can have happened?

I've also tried to set up filters now to put the mailing list into a folder and set that up so we'll see how that goes...


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