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Akonadi Sever Again

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Akonadi Sever Again

Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:18 pm
Got up this morning (Oct. 1, 2017) and found that my desktop had rebooted. Well, okay it was overcast and misty last night, that happens. Then I noticed that all of the screen sessions on my servers were still intact. If they had rebooted, that wouldn't happen. I started configuring mydesktop as I do after reboots, and discovered that Knotes started up okay, but wasn't showing the number of existing notes as it is configured to do.

Sure enough, no notes available. I checked akonadictl and as soon as I opened it, akonadi threw up a crash notice.

There wasn't enough information available to autofile a bug and I didn't want to stop and do it. So I logged out and tried again. Did not resolve plus I had the “KSM server not running” notice. Cleared that, and as was happening before, KDE crashed and dropped me back at the KDE login screen. I logged in again. Akonadi still crashing. Rebooted.

Reboot did not resolve the akonadi issue. I checked the tail of the journal for the previous boot and found an error about Xorg not creating a session on :0. No help. I started deleting config files (knotesrc and glohbalnotesettings) and opening knotes to reconfigure. It didn't help.

I started scrambling around and looked at the akonadi console. Everything looked good but the akonadi_knut deubugger wasn't working. I tried to configure it and it was asking for a data file. I have no idea what that would be, so I hit Google where I found a reference to akonadifsck.

I tried that. It mentioned that it would take a long time to run, so I closed my eyes and tried to think up what I needed to do next. When I opened my eyes, all of my existing notes were scattered over the desktop. I cleaned that up and everything was fine.
I ran akonadifsck again and got this:

Code: Select all
# akonadictl fsck
QStandardPaths: wrong ownership on runtime directory /run/user/10001, 10001 instead of 0
D-Bus session bus is not available!
KCrash: Application 'akonadictl' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/libexec/drkonqi directly
found lsb_release
Using /proc to determine executable path
Executable is: "/usr/bin/akonadictl"
Executable exists: true
Unable to find an internal debugger that can work with the KCrash backend
QStandardPaths: wrong ownership on runtime directory /run/user/10001, 10001 instead of 0
Enabling drkonqi crash catching
kf5.kwidgetsaddons: Invalid pixmap specified.
Sending SIGSTOP to process

[1]+  Stopped                 akonadictl fsck
[root@spike madams]# Sending SIGCONT to process
Unable to start Dr. Konqi
Re-raising signal for core dump handling.

[1]+  Aborted                 (core dumped) akonadictl fsck

I am afraid to log out, reboot or close knotes at this point. Remaining questions are: why did the desktop reboot in the wee hours of the morning and will it happen again, where is drkonqi and why is akonadi causing this grief?

Edit: meant to mention that I had an issue resolved here a short while ago: viewtopic.php?f=215&t=141828
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Re: Akonadi Sever Again

Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:02 pm
Why are you running Akonadi as root? It is meant to be run (even fsck) as your own user.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
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Re: Akonadi Sever Again

Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:43 am
Yeah, I caught onto that myself eventually.

At the point that information was taken, I was Frustrated and exhausted over this whole thing. I may be getting a handle on how to get this thing restarted, but it's not starting automatically on boot. The selftest and logs aren't helping much, but I am learning plenty.


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