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Feature request for Kleopatra: User attribute for key groups

Tags: gnupg, gpa, kleopatra, feature request gnupg, gpa, kleopatra, feature request gnupg, gpa, kleopatra, feature request
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I am using GnuPG (including E-Mail Clients) extensively with lots (more than 100) of participating users and Kleopatra as well as GPA as a GUI to GnuPG.

It would be really nice to add a user atribute to a key, to be able to encrypt a message or a file in a way that all members of a group can gain access. As this is a recurring task I have to do for a lot of files that need to reflect also changes of the members of a group, such a possibility would increase the usability of the GUI for me a lot.

The key categories in kleopatra are based strictly on the content of the original key. What I would need is to be able to add a user specific string to every key that I could use to sort the keys in the dialogs where I need to select the keys from a list (file- oder mail-encryption).

Via the command line that works, but such utilities (shell scripts, Windows BATCH-Files) need to be maintained and distributed, but they do not cover all the cases unless I put an extensive amount of work into them. These scripts are a work-around but a native support via the built in GUI would be better.

kind regards

F. Gotsis


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