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Kmail re-index imap account every now and then

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Hello everyone,

I post this observation on Kmail as following. Hopefully someone could help me understand this issue. I don't know whether this is normal or not.

Recently I installed a conky to show system information on desktop. And later I noticed that every now and then there was a network traffic boost when there was nothing special I was doing with the internet connection. Then I installed nethogs for monitoring. After that I found that kmail2's imap resource `/usr/bin/akonadi_imap_resource` caused those traffic spikes lasting one minute or so. The latest one I noticed is described as follows.

I have three `/usr/bin/akonadi_imap_resource` instances running. One of it started fetching data from my Gmail account. I checked the "Accounts" page of kmail's settings. It showed that IMAP account was "indexing" from close to 0% to 100%. But it then shows "Retrieving folders (100%)" for a very long time (it still show that message now). But the traffic stopped. During this time, nethogs showed that the amount of transferred data was more than 300MB. But no new mail arrives.

I set the account to fetch new mail every 30 minutes. But sometimes I will check it manually when I know there should be a new email. I have also checked the option "Download all messages for offline use" so all the mails should be stored locally by then.

Here comes the questions.

1) Is that normal for Kontact/Kmail?

2) If yes to 1), then, why does Kmail index mails again and again after it has done that before at setup especially when there is no new email? To be noted, I havn't done anything other than surfing internet and read/write documents for several days. And there are emails coming now and then but not at the last time I notice this behaviour.

3) If no to 1), is there any thing I can do to make my kmail right other than clean it and start from beginning. I have about 3GB of mails in Gmail so I do not want to download them all again.

Sorry, I forgot to include my desktop information:
Code: Select all
openSUSE Tumbleweed: 20180122
KDE Plasma: 5.11.95
Qt: 5.10.0
KDE Frameworks: 5.42.0
KDE Applications: 17.12.1
Kernel: 4.14.14-1-default

Thanks in advance for your attention.



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